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[The Night He Needed Space]

"El, it's Liv again. I've been trying to get in contact with you for like the last four hours, but you haven't responded. I'm going to bed, but I really want you to be home to go to bed with. Call me when you get this." Olivia sighed, before ending the call. She set her phone down before lowering herself back onto the couch. 

She had been looking out onto the street, hoping and praying at her husband would pull in and just tell her that he had gone to the gym or had drinks with some friends. But she didn't know if he was coming home tonight at all.

For the last two weeks, Elliot has been distant. But this morning he was gone before she got up, and she hasn't seen or talked to him at all today. She was hoping that it was because of Nick going to prison, and not because of her and the twins. At their most recent appointment, the babies who made it past the 20th week and were doing great at 21 weeks were determined to be a boy and a girl. Elliot had seemed happy for a moment, but then it faded into a firmly set frown.

Olivia grabbed her phone again and dialed Elliot's number once again, but this time it didn't even go to voicemail. His phone was off, and she was beyond scared at this point. She awkwardly stood and walked over to grab her jacket. She slipped it on and was starting to leave before she realized that she was still wearing slippers. She changed into real shoes before leaving the house and heading towards any place she could think of that may be where her husband is.


"Thanks for looking." Olivia sighed, as she sat in her car outside of the IAB building. She had checked his office and the interrogation rooms but she didn't find him. She didn't want to search the area around the building because she was exhausted as it is, and being up past 9 was a hard thing for her.

"Liv, maybe he is at home right now," Amanda spoke, as she tried to ease any worries that Olivia had but she knew her boss and friend would always worry, no matter what.

"He won't pick up his phone. I call every fifteen minutes. I think he ran." Olivia whispered as she leaned her head against the window. Her eyes welled with tears, and as she tried to stop crying, it just made it harder for the tears to stay in her eyes and not on her cheeks.

"Why would he run, Liv? He's so happy and he loves you and his son and daughter so much."

"Because maybe he changed his mind. I just need to find him." 

"Well, I'll go to bars and his gym and stuff. Go home and go to bed. I'll come over if I don't find him by morning." Amanda spoke, as she frowned. She hated seeing the strongest couple she knows rip at its seams without those involved in the relationship knowing it right away.

"Okay. Uh, I'm going to call his Mom... see if he is out there."


Elliot sat on the beach behind his mother's house. She was out of town and he knew where she left the keys to her house. He had gone in and put beer in the fridge and was now just waiting for it to get cold so he could get drunk. He was scared about so much at the moment, and he needed to clear his head. It was hard to clear his head when his wife was calling him every fifteen minutes to see if he'd pick up, so he turned his phone off and hasn't turned it on since. 

Through the sound of the waves and the cool ocean breeze, Elliot could hear the landline ring from inside his mother's house. He would go check it, but from he sat he could hear Olivia's voice travel towards him.

"Hey, Mom. It's Liv. I was wondering if Elliot was with you, but clearly, he isn't. If he shows up there, please have him call me. I'm kinda freaking out, and I want to know that he is at least alive." Olivia spoke, and Elliot could hear tears in her voice. He hated himself for making her cry, but he needed to completely forget everything for at least the next few hours and maybe days.

Nick had gotten into several fights in prison already and was stabbed because people knew he was a cop. He was in the hospital, but he was hurt pretty damn bad. Elliot couldn't help but feel guilty because he put Nick in there.

He hasn't had the chance to tell Olivia, because he didn't really want to tell her. She's had hard few cases lately, and she'd want to take this one on also if she knew. Then there was Amanda having troubles with Jesse because she's been sick a lot and Olivia takes on a lot of extra hours when she can because of that. 

Then he was scared of becoming a father. In 9 weeks, the chances of the twins being born sooner than what they would be born at if there was only one of them was higher. He didn't know if he was going to be a good dad, even if Olivia told him time and time again that he was going to be a better father than his own, and clearly better than hers.


Elliot had fallen asleep on the sand, and when he woke up it was to the sound of someone walking across the cold sand. He sat up and stood slowly, but when he turned around he was face to face with his wife. She looked exhausted, and as she stood there in her large jacket and messy brown hair, he fell in love with her even more than he thought he could. She came all the way out to his mother's house to see if he was here just because she loved him.

"I've been looking all over for you, Elliot Stabler. I've been thinking about every bad thing that could have possibly happened to you and it's been driving me nuts. Why are you out here? Because I'd really like an answer that is true, completely true. Don't tiptoe around it." Olivia ordered as she crossed her arms over her stomach. 

Elliot gave her a small smile, before stepping forward and kissing her deeply. She tried to push him away because she was pissed at him, but she also had to admit how kissing him felt amazing.

"Elliot." She mumbled into his lips, and he sighed.

"I'll never leave you three again, alright? Lets crash here for the rest of the night, but I promise that tomorrow that we will be home together at the same time." He spoke, before kissing her again and not allowing her to speak for several minutes.

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