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[The Day She Got Better]

Olivia went down to the NICU after her nap and was surprised when she saw her husband sitting in a chair next to Savannah's incubator. But what surprised her the most was that her little brown haired babies were laying against Elliot's chest as he talked quietly to them.

"Olivia, your husband is one smart man." Dr. Lee smiled, as she walked into the hall and stood in front of Olivia.

"How is he holding Savannah? I was down here a few hours ago and I couldn't hold her." Olivia questioned, as she looked through the window and saw Elliot looking at her, as tears welled in his eyes.

"Because he brought up the fact that Savannah had been so used to being with Cade all the time, but then when they were delivered and taken to different places, she wasn't near him anymore. Now, we are going to let you hold them both, skin to skin, to see if you can fix the rest of her issues." Dr. Lee grinned, before leaning down and hugging Olivia.

Olivia hugged her back as she cried.

God, her husband was smart when he wanted to be.


Savannah improved quickly. The doctors had never seen something happen like that before, but once the small Stabler was reunited with her mother and brother everything changed for the better.

2 full weeks after the twins were born, Olivia was released to go home. Elliot helped her get dressed, before standing in front of her and holding her by the hips.

"Well, we made it." Elliot smiled, before leaning in and pressing his lips firmly against those of his wife.

"Well, almost. We still have a while before they can come home." Olivia sighed, as she wrapped her arms around Elliot's neck and leaned in closer to him.

"They will be home before we know it. Now, one last kiss. I'm going to take you home, and then I have to go to work. But one of your detectives is going to come over and hang with you. I'm just going to get files then I'll be home."

"Okay, but I want you to bring home dinner so I don't have to suffer through whatever homemade slop you come up with this time." She smiled. Elliot would've started to tickle her until she said that his cooking was good, but she was still in pain from surgery and didn't need to be in more pain.

"Come on, let's get you down to see the babies before we leave."


"Do you need anything before I leave?" Elliot asked as he helped Olivia sit down on their couch.

"No, I'm fine. Someone will be over here soon to annoy me, right?" She asked, and Elliot smiled and nodded.

"I think Amanda is coming over with Jesse," Elliot spoke, as he grabbed the tie he sat out the night before, and started to tie it.

"I've missed her. I know that she's older than the twins, but they will be able to grow up together which makes me happy." Olivia smiled. She motioned for Elliot to sit down, and once he did, she took over tying his tie. He was nervous to go into the office for just a few hours, but he had to catch up on work since he'd been out for two weeks.

"You know, why don't I just stay home," Elliot spoke, as Olivia folded his collar down.

"Nope. Stabler, go to work. I can't go anywhere because I'm on pain medication. But when you get home, you and I can sleep in the same bed and then maybe I'll go against Dr. Lee's orders, and we can go visit our babies tomorrow." She smiled. Elliot couldn't say no to that smile. It always brought him so much joy, that he always ended up saying yes to whatever she said or asked.

She was spoiled a bit.

"You know, that if Savannah and Cade get your smile, I'll never be able to say no to them." Elliot sighed, as he leaned in and kissed Olivia's lips, but when he went to lean back, he couldn't. He had to continue to kiss her.


After kissing his wife for a while, Elliot left their house and headed into the city. He had called Tucker to tell him he needed to pick up some work, and he was hoping he wouldn't get fired for taking so much time off. But he and his wife barely took time off. In the last six years, they took a week off to go to Savannah for their honeymoon, and one night for their anniversary each year after. But then they didn't take any other time off. They were married to each other, but also to their jobs.

"Hey, Stabler!" Richard smiled, as Elliot walked down the hall and towards his office. Elliot stopped and turned around to shake his partner's hand.

"Hey, man. Did anything happen while I was gone?" Elliot asked, and Richard shook his head.

"Not really. So, how does it feel to be a dad?" Richard laughed, as he elbowed Elliot in his side as they walked to Elliot's office.

"It feels amazing. My kids are the best. I swear, if you saw them, you'd believe me." Elliot grinned. He was so ready to be that dad that talked about his kids all the time. The one that made sure everyone knew how amazing they were. No one could blame him since he has almost lost the twins after he lost three babies before.

"Got any pictures?" Richard asked, and Elliot nodded. He opened his office door, before opening his briefcase. He pulled a few framed pictures of Savannah and Cade from the briefcase, before handing them to his partner.

"These two are adorable! Thankfully they look like your wife. Cause if they looked like you, they may be ugly." Richard teased, but something about that bothers him a bit.

"Do you have a thing for my wife?" Elliot asked, and Richard shrugged.

"She is a great looking woman, Elliot. You gotta admit that."

"I can admit that, fucker. You can't." Elliot huffed, before pulling the pictures from Richard's hands, before sitting them on his desk.


"Get out of my office, and don't even think about my wife again? Okay?" Elliot spat.

Elliot knew his wife was going to be faithful to him, and he was going to be faithful to her. But he's a new father. He is more protective of his family, and even if he didn't fear Olivia's love for him, he did fear what someone may do if they wanted her but wouldn't get her.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a few days. Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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