Nine- Flashbacks

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This chapter is going to be 3000 words. 1000 for each situation. Please sit back and relax and enjoy my horrible writing.

Olivia sat next to Elliot in their case worker's office. She was going to tell them if an expectant mother had chosen them to adopt her baby, but the fact about this all is that they'd have to wait until the baby is born and that would probably be months depending on how far along the mother is.

"Do you think she'll give us the green light? I really hope that a mother picked us so we can adopt her baby." Olivia breathed, as she uncrossed than recrossed her legs. Elliot reached over and patted her leg gently before starting to rub it slowly. Olivia looked at Elliot and sighed.

"You can tell that I'm anxious, right?" She asked, and Elliot chuckled.

"I do. But there is no need. We already made it this far. We passed all of our background tests and they have read all of our character reports and now all we have to do is wait for the mother who picked us to go into labor." Elliot smiled before he leaned over and gave Olivia a soft reassuring kiss.

"Okay." She breathed.


Olivia and Elliot were finally home after their meeting and they both plugged in their phones to charge them because they were not involved in a waiting game. A girl of 17 picked them to be the adoptive parents of her daughter. They both cried when they were picked because since they got married they've been having troubles getting pregnant and this is the first step they want to look into. Now they were going to be parents and they couldn't be more excited.

"What are we going to name her?" Olivia spoke, as they ate dinner that night. Elliot looked at her and smiled.

"I have no idea. God, I'm just so excited to get her in my arms and to bring her home. Liv, you are going to be a great mother." He spoke, and she smiled largely which made her eyes sparkle.

"I hope so. But I don't have any doubts." She replied, before reaching for her wine glass. She sipped from it before going back to eating.

They were both quiet and trying to figure out how being parents would work out. Both have decently high ranks in the NYPD and worked a lot. But both had agreed to take fewer hours so they could be there for their child when she needed them.

"Michaela," Olivia spoke, as she wiped her mouth off with her napkin.

"Michaela?" Elliot replied, and she nodded.

"I like that name. But I want to do the traditional spelling if you like it." She spoke, and he smiled.

"I love it. Bernadette for her middle name?"

"Yeah. Michaela Bernadette Benson-Stabler." Olivia grinned. Now she felt more excited than ever. She was going to be a mother to a girl who was going to be her life. She would love her daughter no matter what, something her mother never was able to do for her but she planned on doing it for her child.


When the bio mother went into labor, Elliot and Olivia were both at work. Olivia's phone vibrated and she slipped her glasses onto the top of her head and picked it up. She looked at it for a moment before quickly answering it.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Olivia, the biological mother is in labor. It's time for you and Elliot to get to the hospital and start waiting. Her labor is progressing quickly, and you'll have your daughter here in no time."

"Oh god. Alright, we will be there! Thanks, Bev!" Olivia exclaimed before she quickly hung up and dialed Elliot's number. She was putting her jacket on when he answered.

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