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[The First of The Three Weeks]

After making it through the move to their new house and through an easy 18th week, Olivia had finally hit her 19th week of pregnancy and would have to start going to the three appointments she set up. For the first of three, Elliot couldn't attend because he had to continue the interviews relating to Nick Amaro's case. Amanda joined her, however, because Dr. Lee recommended having someone at all of her appointments just in case.

"So you don't have to come in if you don't want to. I can go in and if I need you, we can get you." Olivia spoke, as she waited in the waiting room. Amanda was scrolling through something on her phone, but she looked up and smiled at her friend.

"No, Liv. Please don't try and protect me from something that isn't going to happen. I'm pretty invested in these babies just like you are." Amanda smiled, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"I'm really anxious about this all. I just have to get past next week and then hopefully nothing will happen. Hopefully, the twins will continue to fight..."

"They have cops for parents. They will be fighting forever. You and Elliot might be screwed." Amanda grinned, before reaching over and patting Olivia's arm. Olivia let out a small sigh before smiling a little.

"You are right. They come from two strong people. I just need to stop worrying all together so I can focus on everything that is coming up for me."


"They look amazing." Olivia smiled, as she sat in her office and talked to Elliot. He had called her on his break because he really wanted to hear about the appointment.

"Yeah? Are they just as adorable as the last appointment?" Elliot smiled, as he stood outside of the interview room.

"Yes, our aliens are adorable and moving around like crazy. How are your interviews?" Olivia spoke, as she ran her hand over her stomach.

"They aren't going great. Nick is having a hard time staying calm. I think he could use a call from you." Elliot sighed. He didn't want to admit that he needed his wife's help right now, but he did. He needed her to talk some sense into her former partner before he did something he would regret.

"I thought I had to step back from this all?" She questioned, but before Elliot could answer Amanda was knocking on her office door.

"We got a case." Amanda breathed, and Olivia sighed.

"I gotta go. I love you." Olivia spoke quickly before hanging up and standing.

"What is it about?"

"A woman was found wandering naked in Times Square. She was bloody and disoriented. They said to send their best so I thought you'd want to come and interview her with me." 

Olivia's eyes went wide because she hasn't left the precinct to investigate in a while, she just sends her detectives and they do the work out there while she tries to do her best at the precinct.

"Yeah. I'll come. I am the best."


"Alright, do you want me to contact your mother to come and be here with you?" Olivia asked as she sat next to the young woman who had been wandering around Times Square.

"My mother is dead. There is no one to help me, not even you two." She replied, and Olivia sighed. Amanda stepped forward and sat down next to her bed.

"She's trying to get your name and other information out of you. We need to know what your first and last names are."

"Why? You two can't help me! You never have been able to help me!"

"Have you dealt with us before?"

"Yeah, and no one was able to do anything. So leave me alone and we won't have to go through this all again." She huffed, before rolling over onto her side and blocking them out altogether.

This was one of the hardest parts of the job. People have been hurt before and the NYPD wasn't able to help them so they didn't trust those who are supposed to protect them. This girl didn't even look familiar to Olivia and she's been working at SVU for longer than anyone else on her squad but then she started to think that she might be one of the girls that she worked with when she was younger, one who didn't get the closure she deserved.


"Hey, is he still here?" Olivia asked as she walked into Elliot's office that night. It was late and when she got home he wasn't there. She had eaten at work so she didn't have to worry about eating dinner alone, but she didn't want to go to bed alone.

"What are you doing here? It's past the usual time you pass out." Elliot spoke, as he stood and quickly went to his wife. He placed his hands on her hips and drew her close as concern cover his face.

"I came to see you, El. You weren't at home and you know how I feel about going to bed alone." She spoke. She frowned a bit as she brought up sleeping alone.

"I was going to come home soon, I just couldn't leave." He sighed, as he helped her over to the couch that was on the wall next to the door, but unlike where Olivia's couch was in her office, there wasn't a window to stare out of to make sure the people who work for you were doing their jobs.

"Why couldn't you leave?" Olivia asked, as she lowered herself onto the couch and cradled her stomach in her hands.

"I don't think Nick is going to keep his job or not be charged. He has gotten into more trouble than we did when we worked together." Elliot sighed, as he placed his hand on her knee as they looked at each other.

Elliot looked into her eyes before looking away from her.

"There is nothing you can do, huh?"

"I'm sorry. I tried but this is all just a miss. Shit from when he worked for and with you is coming up."

"Like when he beat up the child molester?" Olivia breathed.

"Yeah. He's violent and that's all they see. They don't see how he was a good cop. He went undercover for so long and did the best he could to raise Zara while Maria was deployed."

"I don't know what to say, El. I want to help, but there is clearly no hope."

"I don't want to put your friend in jail and be the reason why he doesn't see his kid anymore."

"I won't hate you, El. And if he stays out of trouble in prison he'll get out in like half the time he gets." Olivia spoke, as she grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently.

"I just hate this job sometimes," Elliot whispered, before wiping a tear from his cheek. He doesn't cry a lot, not that often at all regarding his job but knowing that it is Nick that will be going to jail and it'll be his fault bothered him. It bothered him that he puts cops who put their lives on the line on a daily basis to just be put in jail because they broke once.

"Baby, oh please don't cry." Olivia breathed, as she shifted closer to him and drawing him into her arms. He leaned his head against her shoulder and cried.

Olivia ran her hands over his back as she held him close. She felt like this was going to be the last straw. Elliot was going to quit and try to find a new position inside the NYPD, hopefully, a place where he will be happy and not so stressed out.

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