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[The Day She Got To Meet Her Babies]

Olivia was in the ICU for two days, and then she was transferred back to the maternity wing. Once she was able to move around a bit more, Dr. Lee and Dr. Corden, who is the twins' doctor, said she could meet them.

Olivia had seen Cade for a few moments, but she didn't get to hold him or kiss his soft brown hair. But now since Cade is the healthiest of the Benson-Stabler twins, she was allowed to hold him.

"So, Cade is breathing on his own and is eating like a champ. He'll be ready to go home in a couple of weeks, once he gains a few more pounds." Dr. Corden spoke, as he walked beside Olivia, who was being pushed down to the NICU by Elliot.

"And Savannah?" She questioned.

"Savannah is breathing through the machine. She is being fed through a tube because she can't eat through her mouth because of the breathing machine." Dr. Corden replied, and Olivia frowned.

"But she's still alive, and that is amazing," Olivia spoke, as she tried to keep a positive look on this all, but she still couldn't help but fear the worse. Elliot and herself my go home, but they may only bring one baby.

"It's common for babies born at 33 weeks and earlier to have complications. Cade is the older twin and the bigger one. He is having an easier time with things because his size and how he is more developed than Savannah. But this might just be a rough patch." He spoke, before opening the door to the hall outside of the NICU. Olivia and Elliot both put on gowns, before going into the NICU.

Elliot smiled as he saw Olivia's face light up when she saw their son. His eyes were open and he was kicking his little legs.

"They are so blue." Olivia breathed, as she placed her hand gently against the incubator.

"I assume you want to hold him?" Dr. Corden questioned, and Olivia nodded.

"Can I really hold him?"

"He's your baby. If you want, you can even feed him." He grinned, before opening the side of the incubator. He slowly lifted Cade up, and slowly placed him in Olivia's arms.

Tears started to stream down Olivia's cheeks as she stared down at the small baby in her arms. He was only a few days old, but he was wide awake and staring at her. Elliot squatted down next to the wheelchair and gently ran his finger over the surprisingly thick brown hair that covered his son's head.

"Elliot, he's got your eyes."

"Well, duh." Elliot chuckled quietly. He looked at Olivia, and she smiled before leaning down and kissing his lips softly.

"I know that I can't hold Savannah, but being able to hold him makes me feel better. This little man is so freaking adorable, and as long as you and I can keep going, I think that Savannah will get better and Cade will gain more weight. Then we can take him home, and then we can take her home." Olivia whispered, before shifting Cade around in her arms, so she could kiss his forehead.

"We love you and your sister so much, Cadey. Daddy and I will never give up on you two, I swear."


Once Olivia went back to her room to nap, Elliot went back down the NICU. He put on another gown before sitting next to Savannah's incubator. Cade was getting fed again by a nurse, and he knew that he had to try and bond with his daughter, even if she was too sick to be held.

Elliot took his phone out and took a few pictures of her before shoving his phone into his pocket and sighing.

"Come on, baby girl. I need you to start breathing by yourself, and once you can do that you can start eating by yourself. And then before we all know it, you can come home with us. We have your room all made up, and Grandma Bernie painted a mural on the wall of your room. Once you get home you are sharing a room with Cade, but once you are old I swear you'll get a room of your own and be able to decorate it how you want to." Elliot whispered. He hung his head down and started to cry.

He didn't want to think of losing his daughter, but it was hard not to when he got to see his wife hold Cade, but he didn't get to see his wife hold their beautiful daughter. 

"Elliot?" Dr. Lee questioned, as she walked towards him. She's been spending a lot of her time here at the hospital, helping Dr. Corden think about different options to get Savannah into a pattern where she may start to improve, but it hasn't worked yet.

"Hey, Dr. Lee. Uh, I just wanted to spend some time with Savannah." Elliot spoke, as he wiped some tears from his cheeks.

"Are you okay?" She asked, as she pulled a stool up and sat down next to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Elliot breathed, as tears welled in his eyes again. He hated to be asked that question because he knew that he wasn't really okay. He wouldn't be okay until he was at home with his wife and two kids.

"I've known you for 5 years, Elliot. And even if I'm your wife's doctor, I have also noticed how you've changed during her pregnancies. You are just as worn down and stressed as she is." Dr. Lee spoke, and Elliot sighed as he looked at the older woman.

"I'm just wondering if maybe Savannah misses Olivia and Cade. You know? Like she was so used to being with Cade all the time, and she always heard Olivia's voice when she spoke and stuff. Sorry, it's stupid I know-"

"Give me a moment." Dr. Lee spoke, before standing.


After a few minutes, Cade and Savannah were put into the same incubator. Dr. Corden was very against it, but as soon as they were put in together, Savannah's stats rose.

"My God." Dr. Corden breathed, as he stood next to Dr. Lee and watched the twins.

"She just missed her brother. And I think that if we bring down her mother, she may do even better." Dr. Lee smiled.

Elliot was right, Savannah was just lonely.

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