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[The Day The Twins Came]

It wasn't three days later, but instead three weeks later. Elliot and Olivia were both at work and Amanda were sitting in her friend's office as they talked about possible leads for a kidnapping case that had gone cold when Olivia first started working SVU, but now it popped up again and didn't seem cold anymore.

"So, I was thinking we could go talk to the boyfriend. I know that it's been like 15 years or something but he could still be a suspect." Amanda spoke, but when she looked up to see Olivia's reaction, but instead she saw Olivia's face all wrinkled up as she held the edge of her desk so tightly that her knuckles were white.

"Liv?" Amanda questioned, as she stood and walked around the desk. She reached out to gently touch Olivia's back, but Olivia quickly shook her head.

"Please don't touch me." She whispered, and Amanda nodded slowly. She stood back and waited until Olivia had relaxed a bit before speaking again.

"Was that a contraction?" Amanda questioned.

"I think so. I don't know though. I've only had those stupid Braxton Hicks ones. God, this one hurt." Olivia breathed, as she looked up at her friend.

"Okay, well I'll call Elliot on our way to the hospital," Amanda spoke, but Olivia didn't want to go to the hospital. She didn't want to be in the hospital and have something happen. She didn't want to lose the babies on some freak accident or something.

"I'm okay. I'm just going to get something to drink." Olivia mumbled before she pushed her chair back and stood slowly. She slowly walked from her office and once into the bullpen, she noticed that everyone was looking at her.

"What are you staring at?" She huffed.

"Well, you are 3 weeks over the predicted due date..." Carisi trailed off because he knew if he said anything else Amanda may come over and slap him.

"Well, I'm okay! So go back to work because I don't pay you to just sit on your asses!" Olivia yelled, before going into the break room. She started to slam things around, and it wasn't until Fin came into the room and stopped her from slamming her mug down on the counter, did she start to break. 

She turned to look at Fin as tears poured down her cheeks.

"I'm so scared, Fin. I'm scared that what I felt in my office is a real contraction. I'm scared that even if I got this far, that I'll lose the twins somehow." Olivia whimpered. Fin frowned before drawing her into his arms. He held her close as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"You've got this all, baby girl. I'll have Amanda call Elliot, and you and I can go to the hospital. I'll wait with you until Elliot can get there." Fin spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Thanks." She whispered, before stepping back and wiping away the tears on her cheeks.


Elliot was in the middle of an interrogation when his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. He ignored it because he was so close to getting the officer to admit to murdering a suspect, and he didn't want to give up right now.

But after his phone vibrated three more times, someone knocked on the one-way mirror, and Elliot excused himself from the interrogation.

"Okay, what the hell is happening that is making you pull me out of this interrogation?" Elliot asked, but then he noticed Tucker.

"Ed?" Elliot questioned.

"Fin is taking Olivia to the hospital. I think you should head over there." He spoke, and Elliot froze in his spot.

"Stabler? Gonna get going before your kids are born?" Tucker asked.

"I don't know where my keys are..." Elliot mumbled, and Tucker nodded.

"Let's go look in your office," Tucker spoke. He couldn't help but feel a bit amused about how nervous Elliot was feeling about becoming a father.


Olivia was sitting on the edge of her hospital bed as Amanda sat next to her. Fin had left as soon as Dr. Lee said anything about a c-section because he wasn't wanting to think about his best friend being cut up.

"Elliot's going to get here on time, right? Like he won't miss them being born?" Olivia asked as Amanda rubbed her back gently.

"Well since Dr. Lee said it would be wise to have a c-section I'm sure that they can wait a decent amount of time to do it."

"But still, what if they have to do it before he gets here? He promised me that he'd be here for Cade and Savannah's births." Olivia whimpered, as her stomach tightened again. Amanda grabbed her hand and let Olivia squeeze it until the pain faded once again.

"Don't worry! I told Fin to call him again and again until he picks up and gets his ass here." Amanda smiled.

Olivia stood up and started to pace the length of the room but stopped when the door opened the bright light from the hallway filled the room. She smiled a bit as she saw Elliot walking towards her.

"I'm so sorry that I ignored your calls. I was in the middle of an interrogation, but then Tucker came and got me."

"It's okay." Olivia breathed, as she wrapped her arms around Elliot's neck before kissing him deeply. He smiled as they parted before looping his arm around her waist and he started to pace the room with her.

"Alright, I'm going to head out, but I'll be back at 6, alright?" Amanda spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"Thanks for coming up. Elliot will call when they are here." Olivia spoke, and Amanda nodded.

"Good luck." She smiled, before leaving the room. Elliot looked at his wife and sighed.

"Has Dr. Lee come in here to see you yet?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, and she says that I'm getting a c-section, so you are going to have to take more time off because I'm not going to be able to stay home alone with the babies."


Elliot caressed Olivia's cap covered hair as they sat in the operating room.

"It's been awhile," Olivia whispered as she looked up at Elliot.

"Don't worry. They are taking their time and making sure nothing goes wrong." Elliot spoke, before kissing her temple gently.

"Alright, here we go. Cade is coming out now!" Dr. Lee exclaimed, and as soon as she said that, the sound of a newborn's crying was sounded. Olivia and Elliot both started crying as Dr. Lee lifted Cade up enough to show him to his parents.

"Here's your son!" She exclaimed, before passing the baby to a nurse. While Savannah was being delivered, the nurse brought a cleaned up Cade over to his parents and laid him in Elliot's arms.

"Hey, Cade," Elliot whispered as he shifted his son down a bit and towards Olivia.

"He's so cute." Olivia grinned, as another cry filled the room, but this time it was weaker.

"Is Savannah okay?" Olivia questioned, tearfully.

"We are going to take them both to the NICU, Olivia. Don't worry. We are amazing here. We can clear out her lungs and get her crying clearer." Dr. Lee spoke before the nurse came back and took Cade away from Elliot.

Both babies were rushed from the room, and Olivia looked at Elliot and swallowed hard.

"See if you can be with them, okay? If I can't, I want you to be able to." Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded before leaning down and kissing her gently.

"Of course. I love you, baby."

As Elliot rushed from the room with a nurse leading him towards the NICU, Dr. Lee started to speak to Olivia.

"You three did great. Once you get back to your room we should know more about the twins. So just relax and I'll be done soon."

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A Dream [Bensler Fan Fic]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें