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[The Same Day They Became Parents]

Elliot stood outside of the NICU, as the nurses worked hard on his children. Savannah had more nurses around her than Cade did, and he knew that he wasn't going to tell Olivia that. Both babies are incredibly important to him and his wife, but if Olivia found out that Savannah wasn't doing great then he knew she might get worried and a whole bunch of issues can arise from that.

"Olivia is back in her room. She is napping, but she said that she expects you to call her crew and get pictures of the babies for her to see." Dr. Lee spoke, as she walked up and stood next to Elliot.

"I can call her crew, but I don't know about getting pictures." Elliot breathed, as he kept his eyes glued to where his children were.

"The best NICU doctors are in this hospital. Every other hospital in New York City can't compare. Your children made it to 33 weeks. That is huge for this high risk of a pregnancy. But now they are out in the world. There may be a few complications along the way, but if they do good this week it is a good sign." Dr. Lee smiled, as she looked over at Elliot. 

In the past several years, Dr. Lee has seen Olivia and Elliot grow up even more than they had been when they started trying for a baby. They experienced loss in a way that not many people do, and she already knew how fragile Olivia was before she lost the babies, but surprisingly she seemed to get stronger instead of breaking like she had expected her to.

"Is there any chance I can go in there?" Elliot asked, and Dr. Lee shook her head.

"Not right now. Right now you have calls to make. I'd listen to that wife of yours if I was you." She smiled, before patting his back gently before walking into the NICU. Elliot watched for a few more minutes, before turning and heading down the hall as he pulled his phone out.

He went through his contacts before hitting his mother's number before calling anyone else. She has two brand new grandchildren that I'm sure she'll want to meet.

"Elliot?" Bernie asked as she answered her phone.

"Mom. Uh, the babies are born." Elliot spoke, as tears streamed down his cheeks. He was started to really feel the happiness that those two tiny babies were bringing into his life.

"Why didn't you tell me that Olivia was in labor?" His mother exclaimed.

"It happened really fast. She was only in labor for like 4 hours before they took her in for the c-section. But both babies are here. Cade is 4 pounds and 2 ounces and Savannah is 3 pounds on the dot."

"Oh, I'm going to come up there right now! Are they okay? Olivia? Did she make it through the surgery alright?" Bernie questioned quickly, as she quickly tried to drag the cord of her old phone towards the door so she could grab her shoes.

"Olivia is napping right now, and the babies are in the NICU. I can tell you more once you get here, but Olivia said that I had to call her friends and I should make sure they are here before she wakes up."

"Okay, well I love you four so much. I'll be there soon." Bernie exclaimed, before hanging up.

Elliot laughed as he dialed Amanda's desk number.

"Detective Rollins, Manhattan Special Victim's Unit."

"Amanda, it's Elliot. I need you and the crew to finish up and be up here right after work. Olivia and the twins are doing okay, and I know she wants you here." Elliot spoke, and Amanda quickly started to ask questions that Elliot didn't even know the answer to yet.


Olivia woke up and her room was quiet, but two people were in there with her. Bernie and Amanda sat in the corner waiting for her to wake up, but when Olivia quickly looked around she couldn't find her husband.

"Mom? Amanda? Where's Elliot?" She yawned, and Bernie stood and quickly walked to where she laid and kissed her messy hair gently.

"He's with the babies. How are you?" Bernie asked.

"I'm sore. But it feels weird to not have Savannah and Cade kicking around inside of me anymore." Olivia replied as she smiled tiredly at Amanda.

"Do you want me to find him?" Amanda asked awkwardly. She didn't like hospitals, especially the maternity ward since she had Jesse.

"I want to see pictures of my babies. That was one of the two things I asked him to do." Olivia smiled, as she folded her arms over her still swollen stomach.

"I'll go and tell him to come back," Amanda spoke, before quickly leaving the room. Olivia watched as her friend left, before turning to her mother in law.

"Is everything okay?" Olivia questioned.

"Savannah isn't doing that good." Bernie frowned. She didn't want to lay the burden of telling Olivia about how Savannah was sick, on her son.

"What? How so?" Olivia whimpered.

"Her breathing isn't good whatsoever. Elliot knows more."

"Oh god." Olivia whimpered, as tears ran down her cheeks. She quickly covered her face with her hands and started to cry. It hurt for her to cry, but right now all she could think about was how scared she was when she was pregnant, but now she realized that she should've been more scared about what would happen after the babies were born. After they had to fight for themselves and she couldn't be the one fighting for them anymore.

"Sweetie, please don't cry." Bernie pleaded, as she gently caressed Olivia's hair.

"I can't. I can't do this. I can't be a mother. I can't just sit back and wait to see if my daughter and son are going to die or not!" Olivia sobbed.

"You are going to break your stitches if you don't calm down, love!" Bernie exclaimed, and that's the exact thing that happened. The bandages wrapped around Olivia's stomach turned red within moments, and Bernie left to find a nurse.

The Stablers just can't seem to catch a break.

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