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[The Night She Had The Dream]

Olivia was in a deep sleep, and so was her husband. He had pulled her close after she fell asleep because he hadn't gone to bed with her because he was on the roof praying for her and their baby.

But as Olivia slept, so was dreaming. She could see the face of a beautiful baby boy. His eyes just as bright as his father's, and his hair just as dark as his mother's.

She was dreaming of a baby that she wanted more than words could describe, and maybe that is why when she woke up in the middle of the night because her husband was snoring.

"El." Olivia groaned, as she rolled over onto her side, as her husband rolled onto his back, but one of his strong arms was still under her body.

Now, Elliot would wake up because he was also dreaming about a baby, but it was a girl and she was toddling around with a toothless grin on her chubby little face. He could see Olivia leaning over her and holding her hands in hers. She was helping her to walk around, and it just made his heartache when he woke up to his wife shaking him with a lot of force.

"Elliot Stabler, please stop snoring!" She exclaimed, as his eyes opened. He squinted as he looked at her.

"I wasn't snoring, Liv. I do not snore." He huffed, as he rolled over and pulled the blankets up to his chin.

"You do snore and I'm not too happy with you right now." She huffed, and Elliot laughed. He rolled back over to look at his wife who was actually glowing and has been since they made up and finally were on the same page.

"Why aren't you happy with me? I was just sleeping!?" Elliot exclaimed as he looked at his wife.

"Because I was dreaming about our son, Elliot. Your damn snoring woke me up!" She cried, as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Our son? I'm pretty sure we are having a daughter, Olivia. You woke me up when I was in the middle of watching you help her walk. So please go to sleep so I can go back to dreaming." He smirked, before closing his eyes to go to sleep.

Olivia went silent as she stared at him. She was shocked to find out that Elliot was dreaming about their future baby. She didn't know if it was just a thing a pregnant woman dreams, but now she knows that the dads dream about this all too.

"El?" Olivia questioned quietly, and Elliot sighed as he opened his eyes to look at her.

"Yes, dear?" He mused, and she smiled a bit as she looked down at her flat stomach.

"I'm 10 weeks tomorrow. I get to hear the heartbeat again. Do you want to come with me?" She asked, and Elliot grinned largely.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."


When their alarm finally went off, Elliot turned it off and went to make Olivia's tea. She got sick about half an hour after their alarm went off if she didn't have her tea and vitamins, so Elliot made sure she never went a day without getting what she needed so she wouldn't get sick.

He placed the kettle on the stove and turned on the burner before he made himself a cup of coffee. He made sure he drank it and then went and brushed his teeth before going and giving Liv to tea. Another thing that made her get sick is the smell of coffee, but her husband was useless without it.

"Elliot, do you think you'll still be able to come to my appointment?" Olivia asked, as she sat up in bed and grabbed her phone. She wanted to make sure she had the right time to tell Elliot.

"Well, what time is it at?" He called back to her from where he was trying to down his coffee before the tea was ready.

"11:30. If you can't come it's fine!" She exclaimed as she started to hear the whistle from the kettle. She slowly climbed out of bed and got ready to walk towards the kitchen, but Elliot was walking into the room with her tea and vitamins, his mouth closed tightly. She gave him a small smile as he ran to the bathroom after he had handed her the tea.

"I can come. I'll change my whole schedule up so I can go with you." Elliot mumbled over the sound of him brushing his teeth.

"Okay." She replied as she sipped from her steaming mug. She almost regretted asking Elliot to come to her appointment last night. She was having appointments every other week, and it's been a really private thing for her. Dr. Lee and only one nurse worked with her, and she hadn't even wanted to approach the subject with Elliot until last night when they both dreamed of what the baby was going to be. What he or she was going to look like.

"Are you still okay with me coming?" Elliot questioned, as he walked out of the bathroom. He finished his statement before leaning in and kissing her lips gently.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just a bit nervous." She sighed, and Elliot nodded.

"I understand that you are nervous because of what happened before, but it might not happen again. Well, it won't happen again." He smiled, before kissing her again.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Yeah. We are coming home with a stunning baby in 30 weeks." He grinned, but in reality that seemed so far away for them. But it really wasn't that long because they have been waiting for the last five years of their marriage for a baby and now there was one that may be going home with them sooner than they could ever imagine.


Olivia was laying back against the table, as Elliot sat next to her. Dr. Lee was using the portable heartbeat thing again, and she was looking confused. Olivia was just tired because they had to draw blood and it always made her feel tired for about an hour afterward, and Elliot was too focused on looking at his wife that he wasn't noticing the doctor's weird expression.

"Olivia, can you give me about 5 minutes? I have to go get something." Dr. Lee spoke, and Olivia shot her eyes to the doctor's face.

"Is everything okay?" Olivia choked out, but Dr. Lee didn't respond.

Olivia looked at her husband as tears welled in her eyes.

"I heard a heartbeat, didn't you? It was right there. Oh god, what if I'm hearing things. What if the baby didn't make it?" Olivia cried. Elliot drew her into his arms as she sobbed. 

"I heard it. I really did Liv. Don't worry."


When they left the doctor's office, they knew why Dr. Lee was acting so weird. And their dream of having a baby was doubled when they found out that the one baby they were so in love with already had been laying in front of its twin.

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