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[The Day She Started To Bleed]

Olivia laid motionless in her hospital bed. Her body ached and the cramping was very much there even with the pain medication. She tried her hardest to try and get some sleep, but she was too busy worrying about the fate of her baby that she didn't even have a chance to sleep.

After an hour of being alone in her room, the door opened and her husband quietly walked in. He was holding a small teddy bear, but the fur was miscolored because the tears that ran down his cheeks ended up falling onto the bear.

"Elliot, what are you doing here? I told Tucker not to call you." Olivia spoke, as she shifted up in the bed. She didn't want Elliot to worry. If the baby passed away, she wanted to deal with it herself.

"Baby, he told me that you were bleeding. I couldn't just sit there and wait. I had to be here with you." He spoke, before walking towards her. He handed her the teddy bear and she took it hesitantly.

"I'm a grown woman, El. I didn't need a teddy bear." Olivia whispered, and Elliot nodded.

"Balloons were too festive, and I feel like the flowers they have here are only for when someone is dying."

"But someone might be dying," Olivia replied, and Elliot took a slow shaky breath.

"Our kid isn't gonna die, Liv. So stop thinking like that. We are going home soon, and the baby will still have a heartbeat. Trust me, alright? Stop trying to give up, because if you give up, and I give up, that baby is going to give up too." He ordered, and the rest of the night he told her to not to say a thing relating to the death of their baby. Elliot was determined to finally have a baby, and Olivia was going to be that baby's mother.


The next morning, Olivia had a check-up before being sent home. She was told that she needed to try and stay off her feet for at least the next 3 days, but if she can stay on partial bedrest for longer, that it would be better. The doctor pulled Elliot aside before they left and told him that if she started to bleed again, or the cramping started back up that he was to rush her right back into the hospital. As of right now the baby still had a heartbeat, but that could change at any moment.

"So, I need you to drop me off at the precinct," Olivia spoke, as Elliot drove her towards their apartment building.

"What?" He questioned quickly, as he looked over at her.

"I have to work, El. I'm needed." She spoke, without looking at him. Elliot pulled the car over onto the side of the road. He parked and then looked over at her again.

"You aren't going to work, Liv. Don't you know that if you overdo it, you might start to bleed again? We don't want that." Elliot spoke, and his wife sighed in response.

"I know what could happen, but that doesn't mean it isn't going to happen. Dr. Lee said that the baby might not make it since I had started to bleed. It's common, and even more common for us. So please, just drop me off so I can work and get my mind off of all of this."

"No," Elliot spoke, and his wife looked at him with wide eyes.


"I said no, my love. You and I are going home. I'm going to take care of you and we are going to work hard at keeping you calm and healthy, alright?" He ordered, and she went silent. She knew that he wouldn't change his mind, so she had to go home, even if she didn't want to.


"Want more tea?" Elliot asked, as he walked into his bedroom, where Olivia was laying and reading. She looked up at her husband and sighed.

"If you make me drink any more tea, I'll have to get up and use the bathroom, and I'm not supposed to walk," Olivia spoke, and Elliot laughed softly as he walked towards the bed. He climbed onto it and pulled her close.

"Any cramping?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"Nope. None at all. And I'm not bleeding again." She smiled. Elliot nodded as he leaned down and kissed her forehead gently.

"Don't hate me anymore?" Elliot questioned, and she sighed.

"I've always hated you, Elliot. I just get better at hiding it sometimes." She smirked. Olivia just loves to tease her husband, and Elliot loved to tease her also. Never once did their clever jokes hurt the other, it just made them love each other more.

"Do you want to go and sit on the balcony? We can just listen to the city for a bit."

"Yeah, and even if I was scared at first, I want to start thinking of names for our baby. For many reasons."

"Alright, we can anything you want. I just want to make sure that we don't hate each other."

"El, I just wanted to go to work to forget. To just get ready to move on to adoption or finding a surrogate. I didn't want to think about the fact I may have to go through all of the pain of losing a baby again. I don't want to think about going in for a later appointment and being told once again that the baby doesn't have a heartbeat and I have to be induced. Do you understand that?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"I do. And I like the Noelle. What do you think?" He spoke, as he tried to quickly get off the topic. 

Both have gone through so much pain and suffering. But no matter what happened in their childhoods, they were more affected by what has happened in their marriage. And in the end, what they both need is a small human to look forward to, to just plan on something. They both needed a little baby that was a perfect mix of each other to dream for.

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