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I pulled my car into an empty spot in front of the restaurant Alex told me everyone was meeting. I couldn't wipe the huge idiotic smile off my face because I was finally seeing all my friends together for the first time in months. I glanced over at Austin who was in the passenger seat. He finished up a tweet and then looked at me.

"Well you look excited." He analyzed. I bit my lip, trying to contain myself.

"I am. I haven't seen everyone together in so long. And it's been a while since you and I have gone out together." I explained. He smiled even wider than before. Oh my, he was too darn cute.

Before we had to get out of the car, he pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was intense and passionate, instantly giving me butterflies. Once we pulled away, we smiled at each other once again.

We hopped out of the car, making our way to the front entrance. I went to grab for Austin's hand, but he quickly jerked it away. I looked at him worriedly. Did he not want our friends to know that we're together? I was definitely not going to pull a Sam and Zach.

"I'm sorry, it's just that if the paparazzi catch us doing couple-y shit I could be in a lot of trouble with my management." He explained, defending his actions. I almost completely forgot about Mia.

"Oh, sorry." I apologized timidly. Well, that was a bummer. I was almost like his little secret, which I didn't particularly like or agree to. But i was just going to have to deal with it if I really wanted to be with him.

We walked into the restaurant, and once we were safely inside, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I looked up at him, confused.

"What?" He asked looking down at me. "It's not like the paparazzi come inside." He told me, shrugging his shoulders. I quickly pecked his lips softly.

Rob was the first person out of the group to spot me and Austin walking over. He smiled widely at me before standing up and walking over to me to give me a hug.

"Oh my god Squeeze it's been too long!" He exclaimed, still squeezing me tightly.

"Oh my god I missed you!" I told him, pulling away from our hug. We smiled at each other for a second before I spotted Alex standing behind him. "Alex oh my god." I breathed, pulling him in for a hug. "I missed you also." I said giggling.

"I missed you too." He said and I could almost hear his smile. Oh my god I really did miss my boys. I looked behind Alex and saw Victoria who I haven't seen since the summer either.

"Victoria!" I screeched. She smiled and held out her arms for a hug. I rammed into her, engulfing her with a hug.

"How's South Carolina?" I asked, wondering how college was.

"It's ok, but I miss you guys like crazy!" She confessed. I smiled. Me too.

Sam was next to her and I smiled.

"I saw you yesterday but I still want hugs!" I exclaimed. She laughed as we pulled each other into a bear hug. "Where's Zach?" I asked.

"Peeing." Sam told me.

"Typical." I joked.

We were all about to start scooting into our booth when Zach emerged from the bathroom.

"Austin!" He exclaimed, surprised to see him. I smiled to myself, knowing that these boys had really missed the old Austin. It felt good to think that maybe I was the one who brought him back.

Sam, Victoria, and I stood and watched as the boys bro hugged and talked about how much they missed the foolish 4 being together.

"We really need to get Alex a girlfriend." I said suddenly, realizing that he was the only one here without a significant other.

"I bet he does and he just doesn't want to bring her around all of this craziness." Victoria proposed. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't blame him." Sam interjected. We all laughed together, catching the attention of the boys.

"What's so funny?" Rob asked. We all got quiet at the same time, but we all shared the same devious smile.

"Nothing," Victoria sang, grabbing his hand. Rob couldn't help but smile at her. He pulled her closer for a kiss which made my heart flutter. I could tell that everyone was smiling, because we were all rooting for them even though their relationship was being tested by the Miami move.

I looked at Austin who was already looking at me. I smiled widely and he smiled back.

As we were all scooting into the booth, Austin grabbed my hand and whispered 3 little words I hadn't heard out of his mouth in a while.

"I love you." He uttered. I looked back at him and smiled shyly before kissing him.

"I love you too." I whispered as I pulled away.

It was finally official. I had my boy back for good.


After lunch, Austin came back to my house to hang out before we all went to the movies that night. The movie wasn't until 8ish so we had a good 6 hours to just be with one another.

For a while him and I played ping pong in my basement, which was cracking me up. He was actually really good at it and I was trying and it just wasn't working out. I suggested that we just watch a movie in the living room because our game was going nowhere fast.

We snuggled up on the couch and began to watch P.S. I Love You, which made me ugly cry every time I watched it. Halfway through, Austin cupped my face with his hands. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before planting his lips on mine.

Once we had been making out for a while and I was on top of him with his shirt off, I pulled away and turned the tv off. Austin maneuvered me a bit, then picked me up bridal style and started walking towards the stairs. I latched my lips on to his neck, finding his weak spot when he let out a soft moan. I continued to give him hickies as he carried me up to my room, closing and locking the door behind him. Once he let me down, he pressed me up against my door and kissed me with more passion than I've ever felt from him before. He slid off my tank top, only breaking the kiss for a second. As I was in buttoning his pants, he turned me around and starting moving us toward the bed. He laid down on top of me before kicking off his jeans that I undid. He took of my jeans faster than I could have ever done myself. And once I was in only my panties and bra and he was in his boxers, I finally realized, holy shit we're actually going to do it. I pulled away from the kiss and caught my breath before I spoke.

"Austin..." I started, my voice shaky. "I'm scared." I confessed. He took a deep breath out as he tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

"Me too." He breathed. Well, I guess that meant he had never done this before either. We both breathed at a steady pace.

"I love you Austin." I confessed. He smiled before kissing me softly.

"I love you too Leah." He breathed. We just stared at each other and I could tell we were both contemplating if we should really do this now. I really wanted to and I felt like I was ready, but losing your virginity is also a very scary thing. But in all honesty, I wouldn't want to go through it with anyone but Austin.

"We really need to talk to one another while we do this. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." He expressed. I nodded my head. He leaned down and slowly kissed me. He trailed his kisses to my jaw down to my collar bones. I breathed heavily, letting small moans escape from my mouth.

"There's no one on earth I'd rather share this moment with." Austin mumbled into my bare skin. I breathed a sigh of relief. I ran my fingers through his messy curls.

"Me neither."

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