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"BUT MOM!" I screamed at my mom, throwing my hands down.

"No buts! You're going and that's final!" My mom demanded before I could defend myself. She was going to a huge Christmas party one of her colleagues was throwing and she demanded that I come with her. I had planned to use that night to watch movies, eat ice cream, and cry, but my mom said that I needed to stop "feeling sorry for myself". I had gone out with my friends and had a good time the past couple of days, it was when I was home that my sadness was a problem. I would sit around and do nothing but wallow in self pity. I honestly didn't see anything wrong with that, because I hoped that eventually time would fade my pain away. I understood where my mom was coming from, but she just needed to let me figure things out myself.

I decided it would be better if I just went to the party. It's not like old people stay out that late anyway.

I got ready quickly, only having an hour to do everything that I needed to do.

My phone rang as I was finishing up my mascara. It was a call from Alex.

"What's up my dude?" I answered, excited that he called me. I had hardly talked to him and Robert since I left Miami.

"Not much Squeeze, you free tonight?" He asked eagerly. I sighed.

"No, my mom is dragging me to some stupid work party. I can go out tomorrow though." I explained. It took me a second to realize that, ohmygod, he was home from Miami. And that meant... Austin was home. I got a weird feeling in my stomach just thinking about the fact that I could run into him. That would just be awkward and awful.

We finalized our plans to go out for lunch with a couple others and said our goodbyes. I tried to calm myself down slowly. I really had nothing to worry about. All I had to do was go to the party, fake laugh, and then go home and sleep. I would be fine.

My mom and I arrived at the party, fashionably late as usual. We walked up to the front door, our heels clicking in sync. I smoothed my scarlet dress so I looked presentable when we walked into the country club.

"I wanna go home." I whispered while fixing myself. My mom just rolled her eyes. I appreciated her attempts to snap me out of my sorrow, but taking me to this stupid party wasn't going to help at all.

The party was dead as hell. All older people did at parties was fake laugh and try to show off and brag. I stood patiently beside my mom the entire time, pretending to listen to her conversations. And can I just tell you, real estate agents are the most boring people on Earth.

"Leah, could you please go put this in the gift box?" My mom pleaded. She handed me a small envelope. I nodded my head, finding this a great opportunity to break away and wander a bit.

The club was huge, but it was still hard to walk around due to the enormous crowd of people. I found my way to the front and tossed the card into the gift box, not really thinking much of anything.

I began to walk back to where my mother was slowly, scanning the room with my eyes. There were so many couples in one house that I couldn't even begin to count. They may have been old, but they reminded me of Austin and I. All I wanted was for him to be there with me. I wanted him to put his arms around me while I listened to my mothers bland conversations and maybe I wouldn't feel so alone. But I knew that if he were here right now, his arms would be around Mia, not me. I hung my head low as I walked, dazed and distracted by my daydream.

And it took no longer than a split second for my whole night to change completely.

"Leah?" A deep raspy voice called from in front of me. I knew who it was before even looking up. My heart fell into my stomach. I looked up into his beautiful hazel eyes and time seemed to stop. Most peoples initial reaction would have been to run up to him and hug him. But my initial reaction, was to run. I turned on my heels and pushed through the crowds of people as quickly and swiftly as possible. I needed to get out of there.

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