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It's been 3 days since the Austin and Carson incident. My mom said that I should probably not ask Austin about anything that happened at the party, until the whole Carson thing blew over in his head. I have been trying to hang out with my girlfriends rather than the boys. Today all my girlfriends were free after school so we were all hanging out at my house. In total there are 6 of us. Sam, Victoria, Raychel, Brooke, Alexa, and Me. We all laid around in my living room saying nothing, watching MTV. Every time an Austin commercial came up I would take a picture and send it to Austin. It was so crazy that he was famous. That millions of girls adored him. That he was on TV. I got used to it after a while, but sometimes when I went to his concerts and stuff i got overwhelmed with how much these girls loved him. To be honest, I thought it was great for him. He used to so shy and self conscious, but now he's really stepping out of his comfort zone, and loving it.

"I'm so bored." Sam called over the TV. We all murmured things like "same" or "me too". I took a long deep breath out. We had already all finished the very little homework we had, and had nothing much to do. I was laying on the carpet, half asleep.

"What do you guys wanna do?" I asked. The room was silent as we all thought.

"I wanna dye someone's hair." Raychel answered.

"That's random." Sam said. Random, but not a bad idea. I've been wanting to do something new with my hair for a while.

"Could you dye like the bottom half of my hair the color Ariana Grande's hair used to be?" I cooed, getting excited at the thought. My mood sort of spread as everyone seemed to sit up a bit straiter.

"Your mom would kill us." Victoria said.

"She was gonna take me to the salon to get it done in a couple weeks, I don't think she would care if we did it here. Plus, she was gonna spend like 200 dollars to get it done and the dye is like 10 at RiteAid." I addressed.

Everyone sat up. We all smirked at each other. "Girls," I started. They all glanced at me. "Lets do this shit."

* * *

All of the girls wound up going to RiteAid in two separate cars. I picked up the color I wanted and paid. We went straight back to my house. My mom was home by the time we got there, and she loved the idea and helped us out.

I was sitting in the kitchen, the bottom half of my hair folded up in tinfoil, when I heard a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it." Alexa cooed. All of us have been friends since 4th or 5th grade, so it really wouldn't be a surprise to anyone coming over if one of my friends answered the door. "Oh, hi Austin!" I heard Alexa coo from the entry way.

I raised my eyebrows and looked over at my mom. She was leaning against the island, looking at me with the same facial expression as me.

"Hey Alexa. Can I come in?" He asked politely. Oh god. I prayed that he didn't want to talk about anything that had happened in the past couple of days. What was I supposed to say?

"Um sure!" She answered. Butterflies exploded in my stomach as I heard him take a step in and Alexa close the door. I could hear their footsteps trail towards the kitchen. My heart pounded with every step they took. After what I had explained to my friends, I could sense they were all holding their breath as well.

Alexa entered the kitchen, Austin trailing close behind. He had on a plain white tee shirt, camo cargo shorts and a pair of sneakers that were obviously part of his million dollar collection of shoes.

"Hey guys." He cooed softly, having a hard time covering up that something was bothering him.

"Hey." All the girls and I responded in unison. I played and picked at my hand, hoping he had come over to just hang out rather than to have some type of serious talk.

"Um, I mean I came over to talk to you Leah, but, um, I could, um, come over later." He was nervous. Really really nervous. He always continuously "um"-ed when he was nervous. Plus, he couldn't look me in the eyes. He's really good with looking at people when he talks, and he was staring at the ground. I got nervous just thinking about all the things he could possibly want to talk to me about.

"I mean, my hair should be ready in like an hour, we could talk at the park at like 6 and we could go out for dinner..." I trailed off. I looked at Austin's perfect angular face. Oh my god. He was perfect. All these times I've looked at him as a friend, I knew he was good looking. But now, just looking, he was just... wow. I felt my breath get heavy and my stomach knotted.

"Okay, I'll pick you up around then." He answered, not much emotion in his voice. He waved a bit at all of us, and some of the girls whimpered a soft "bye" but I kept silent. Being alone with him was going to be hard. Very hard.

********** ************ ***********

He picked me up at 5:53. It made me nervous because Austin is always late. Always. I hopped in his car and he drove off into the direction of the park. He had gone to Taco Bell and picked up a 12 pack of tacos for us to have for dinner while we were there. That made me a lot happier than it probably should have.

"I know you love Taco Bell and I wanted to do something nice for you to apologize for being an ass to you." He blurted out as soon as we got to the park and sat down at a picnic table under the huge elm trees that were completely full of dark green beautiful leaves. I smiled at him and my heart raced. I instantly felt bad about yelling at him the other morning again. It would have gone way better and I probably would have got a lot more conformation out of him if I would have just calmly talked to him about the night before.

"You weren't an ass, I was just a bitch." I mumbled grabbing a taco out of the box.

"You had every right to be a bitch." He said, a slight giggle in the background of his voice. There was a long silence between us as we unwrapped the paper from our first tacos.

"You know, after the whole Carson thing happened, I thought about a lot. I thought about you mostly." He spoke softly and picked at his food, not really looking at me. But I looked at him. His face said it all. At this point in time, he was completely vulnerable. I could get any information I wanted out of him right in this point in time. Before I could respond, he started to talk again. "I thought about how you, and only you, are able to cheer me up when I feel like crap. Everytime I'm in Miami or in a hotel room or just some where and I feel alone, I wish you were there. I just want you with me all the time. Leah, your the only person who can make me feel good. Better than good, I don't even know how to explain it. You give me this feeling that I've never ever felt before. I just, I, ugh, I..." He rambled on and on and just couldn't find the words to say to me. His hands flew all over, unable to comprehend what he was even expressing. My heart beat at an irregular rate, because I knew what he was saying.

"...you love me." I stated softly. I looked at him, hoping he would respond and finally confirm what I've been festering over for days. We looked into each other's eyes for a while. His hazel-green eyes were so beautiful and they made me feel completely open and vulnerable.

"More than you could ever imagine." He responded timidly. I suddenly lost my appetite completely. I pushed my taco slightly away from me. No words were said. I did not look in his direction. This is what I wanted...right? For him to confirm what he said the other night when he was plastered. I didn't want to know anymore. I couldn't even tell him I loved him back, because I didn't know if I did. It hit me like a bus. I've gotten friend zoned more than you can imagine, and it hurts. It hurts a lot to love someone and them not think of you at all. I couldn't hurt Austin like that. Tears slowly formed in my eyes.

"Leah?" Austin cooed. I looked up at him. His face was drained of color. "Please don't cry." He said. I started crying harder. He got up from his side of the table and sat down next to me. I cried into his shoulder. He was silent. He rubbed his hand up and down my back, trying to comfort me and calm me down.

"I just wanna go home." I cried softly. Austin sighed and nodded his head. He took me home, the tacos in the backseat, uneaten. I cried that entire night until I couldn't cry anymore. I cried for me, for Austin, but I mostly cried because of the fact that he was probably crying too.

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