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Sitting around in the studio was fun on most days, but not everyday. It was just one of those days. Rob, Alex, and I sat on the couches in the compact room, wasting away time on our phones. I pulled my long curly hair half up, half down to keep it out of my face, because it was becoming way too annoying.

I spent most of the time DMing Mahomies back. I really felt that it was important to do that, because these girls meant everything to Austin. Also, it was really cute and funny how they reacted.

In the middle of me typing up a DM, I got a call from Sam. I decided to take it outside, not wanting to disrupt the musical genius that was occurring. I speed walked out of the building, not wanting to miss the call. I answered the call as I opened the door to the parking lot. The warm breeze came over me softly, giving me a sense of relief in a way. It was awful being cooped up in that tiny studio all day.

"Wassup buttercup?" I greeted. I got no response. "Sam?" I called, hoping she would hear me. I started to hear her cry violently. An instant shock of fear pulsed through my body. "Sam! Are you okay?" I asked, trying to get a response out of her.

"IT'S GONE!" I could hear her scream from the other end. I didn't want to ask, because I had a feeling I already knew what happened.

"Sam, please calm down honey." I begged. Trying to sooth someone from over the phone was one of the hardest things ever.

"LEAH! THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE!" She screamed through sobs. I could feel my heart drop. I stood in silence for a moment, not knowing what to say. Nothing at all could help her right now. But, I knew what I had to do. And it was awful, and I didn't want to do it, but I felt obligated.

"Sam, your gonna be okay. Please call Zach and let him know what's happening," I started. Just by her urgency and the way she was yelling, I could tell that she had called me first as soon as it happened. "I'll be there as soon as possible." I breathed.

"Oh-kay." She said in between of her constant sobs. My heart shattered. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Bye." I said softy. She responded with a soft "bye", which I hardly heard because I hung up so quickly. I could feel myself start to cry. I couldn't help it at all. Everything was just happening way too fast for me.

I rushed back to the studio, trying to keep my crying as quiet as possible. Austin was right in the middle of recording a song, and distracting him would be the last thing I wanted to do. Rob and Alex looked up at me as soon as I walked in. Their bored, tired faces quickly transformed to worried stares.

I motioned towards the door, not wanting to interrupt anything. All 3 of us shuffled out the door. As soon as Alex closed the door and we were in the hallway alone, I began to cry my eyes out.

"Oh my god, what happened? You were only gone for like 2 minutes!" Rob exclaimed. Alex wrapped his arm around my shoulders in an effort to comfort me.

"Sam just called me, she had a miscarriage." I forced. I continued to cry more, not being able to contain myself. They boys looked at me, obviously surprised.

"That's awful." Alex blurted after a couple moments of silence. I just nodded my head.

"So," I started. I took a deep breath to try and pull myself together. "I'm going back to Texas."

"What?! You've only been here for two weeks!" Rob exclaimed.

"I know, but I have to go be there for her." I sighed. The boys seemed to understand. They both shrugged their shoulders, semi agreeing with me. I was just worried how Austin would react. He was the one who invited me here, and then out of the blue I was just picking up and leaving.

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