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I woke up slowly, the bright sun beating down through my window. I realized all of the sudden that I was no longer on the couch with Austin, I was in my own bed.

My phone was on my bedside table, plugged into its charger. It was just like I left it when I ran downstairs to let in Austin yesterday. I picked it up to check the time. It was 6:30, so I had plenty of time to get ready. I had a few texts from my friends and some twitter notifications, but one iMessage caught my eye. It was from Austin. I smiled and read it silently to myself.

Goodmorning baby! I know it's like 4am and I hope this doesn't wake you up, but I just wanted to tell you that you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I want to be with you when you go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning. Everything about you is absolutely perfect and I can't help but think about you every single second of every single day. The first time we kissed, I felt like I was in heaven. I had waited since 6th grade for that kiss, and it was worth every second I waited for you to come around. You are my princess and I really hope someday I'll be able to make you as happy as you have made me feel. Nobody could ever compare to you Leah. Nobody. I hope this text makes you smile your big bright gorgeous smile. I'll see you later baby. Have a good day at school 😘😘

The text brought tears to my eyes. I had never cried with so much joy. The fact that he took the time at 4 in the morning to to tell me about how he feels about me was amazing. It was one of the nicest thing a boy had done for me ever.

There was a soft knock on my door.

"You can come in." I called softly to my mom. She slowly opened my door, a small smile on her face. She was still in her pajamas, but I could tell she just wanted to talk to me before she left for work.

It's always been just me and my mom. Always. My dad left when I was very very young and I have no memory what-so-ever of him. I mean I was okay with that mostly, why try and find someone who didn't care enough to take care of you? My mom was the only person I ever needed to take care of me. She was kind, understanding, and always knew the right thing to say. We have our disagreements sometimes, but so does everyone.

"Did you and Austin have fun last night? I came home and he was carrying you upstairs." I smiled at her. I blushed knowing that my mom knew about me and Austin.

"Ya, we just watched movies and stuff." I said fumbling my hands around.

"You guys did not watch movies."

"Yes we did!"

"You know, I was 18 too once. You may have been watching movies, but there was a little more going on too." Oh my god. My mom thinks Austin and I made out. I mean, we did, but my mom knowing that was weird. I just laughed a lot, avoiding having to respond to her very true statement. Once I calmed down, my mom looked at me for a bit. Just studied my face.

"You know, I think Austin is a great guy for you. All those other boys you dated were assholes. But I could tell from when he was 5 foot tall that he was a gentleman. And I know that he's going to take really good care of you." She remarked. I smiled at her.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Of course." I was ready to take on the rest of my Friday.

********** ************ **********

I invited Austin, Sam, and Zach over to my house to just hang out. I told Sam she could sleep over if she wanted to. We had a lot to discuss anyways.

Sam came home with me on the bus so we could talk before the boys came.

"So does Austin know about everything?" I asked while we watched TV. Teen mom was probably not the most appropriate show to be watching at the moment, but we always watch it together and she didn't seem to mind.

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