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I woke up at 6 o'clock Thursday morning to get ready for school. I diligently curled my long auburn hair into loose curls. The dye we bought for my hair was crap and it only stayed in until I took a shower, so my bottom portion of my hair was back to normal.

Once I was done, I sighed loudly and trudged to my closet to pick out an outfit. I finally picked out a plain plum skater skirt, a black cropped tee shirt and some studded combat boots. I decided to call Sam to ask if she wanted a ride to school.

"Child!" She called when she answered my phone. I giggled a bit.

"Do you want a ride to school today?" I asked quickly jogging down the stairs.

"Sure, I've got stuff to tell you anyway."

"Same, be there in like 5 minutes." I grabbed my purse and backpack from the couch where I had left them while doing homework last night.

"Alrighty, bye." She responded.

****** ******* ******* ******

Sam lived literally 3 doors down, so it didn't take anytime to get there. She hopped in the passenger seat, wearing a camo tee shirt, skinny jeans and regular black combat boots. She usually gets into my car all happy and excited, but today she was... different. She got in the car without a word, not a smile or hello, just deep breaths. Whatever she needed to tell me was important. My whole Austin thing could wait.

"Are you okay?" I asked knitting my eyebrows together, pulling out of her driveway. She took a deep breath out and tapped her foot rapidly.

"What I'm about to tell you is top secret and I've been wanting to tell you but I couldn't yesterday with everyone around." Sam and I have been best friends forever. We tell each other everything. She is my go to person when I need help with something, when I need someone to talk to, anything really. We know each other better then we know ourselves. I braced my self for the worst, because even when something was really bad, she found a way to lighten the mood and make everything funny. Well, I wasn't laughing and she sure as hell wasn't either.

"Sam your scarring me." I blurted out.

"I did the do with Zach."

"You what?! Zach who?"

"Your Zach! Zach Dorsey!" Oh my god. How could I not know that they were together?! And they've been together long enough to DO THE DO. Sam would never ever just do the do with someone who didn't deserve her or was just using her.

"OH MY GOD SAM! HOW LONG HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN TOGETHER?!" I yelled, trying to keep myself focused on the road while having a mental meltdown.

"3 months."


"That's not even the worst part." She stressed putting her temple against the window. I continued down the back roads past all the farms to school. I wanted to turn the car around and go home. Did they not trust me enough to tell me they were in a relationship? What could be worse than that?

"I might be pregnant." Time stopped. Never in a million years did I expect to hear that out of Sam's mouth. Never. But here she is, close to tears telling me all about it. About the night they did the do and how she's 8 days late. This can't be happening. What about college? What about all the wonderful things she had planned for the future?

"Oh my god Saaaammmm." I whined.

"I know." She responded. We sat in silence until I pulled into the school parking lot. I felt terrible. I could only imagine how Sam felt. I could see that tears had already fallen from her tired eyes once we sat together in the car once it was parked.

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