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I stood back and admired all the posters the Mahomies had made Austin over the past couple of years. Nothing much has changed about his room since he left when he was 16. So much has changed in 2 years. But his room, it always stayed the same.

Austin threw random articles of clothing into his suitcase, packing up as much as possible.

"You know that you have clothes in Miami right?" I joked, smiling. I had been helping him pack almost all morning.

"Ya, but this stuff smells like home." He answered nonchalantly. My heart dropped into my stomach. I could imagine him going into his suitcase when he gets to Miami, pulling out a shirt and just shoving it in his face to smell it. Or when he was upset or lonely he would grab a shirt from back home and putting it on. It probably made him feel like he was here again.

I bit the inside of my cheek, unsure of what to say. He sighed, closing and zipping up his suitcase.

"Well," he started. "that should be the last of it." He breathed. I stared at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact. No doubt I would cry if I looked at him.

He made his way over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I threw my arms around him. I dug my face into the crook of his neck. I could feel him hold on to me tighter, pressing his body as close to mine as it could get.

"I don't want you to leave." I whispered. I could feel him sigh.

"I don't wanna go either." He mumbled. But I knew he did. He loved to perform and travel and try new things. I don't blame him. I would love that too.

"I wish I could come with you." It was hard to hold back tears.

There was a long pause.

"Who ever said you couldn't?" No one. But I knew one person who probably would: my mom.

*********** ******** ************

Austin and I drove to my house right away. If my mom did let me go back to Miami with Austin, I would be leaving in 2 days. Time was ticking and we didn't have much time.

Sitting my mom down and talking about everything would be the most nerve-racking part of the whole process.

I got her to sit down with us in the living room. She sat on one side of the couch and Austin sat on the other. I sat on the floor and faced them.

"We have to talk to you about something serious." I started. My moms face seemed to fill with concern, and than worry.

"Please don't tell me your pregnant." She blurted. I burst out laughing probably louder than I should have. I could see Austin smiling widely, obviously amused.

"Nooo! Oh my god!" I continued to laugh. I really should've started discussing the predicament at hand already but whatever. I was amused easily. I took a breather for a second to calm myself down.

I exchanged glances with Austin. We both knew it was time to get serious.

"You wanna start?" I asked Austin. I really did not want to ask her at all. I was completely frightened by how she would react.

He nodded his head. "So, Miss Miller, I'm going on tour in 2 days and me and your lovely daughter have just become boyfriend and girlfriend and we were wondering if it's okay..." He started in a steady respectful tone.

"If I go with him. Just for the summer." I finished his thought.

My mom's face was unreadable. We all sat in silence as she sat there to think. I constantly looked at Austin to see how he was feeling. We both seemed to be anxious.

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