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Austin picked me up at about noon. He told me to dress nicely yet casually. Well, thanks for narrowing it down. I put on a cute little light pink lace babydoll dress from urban outfitters and paired it with a pair of gold strappy sandals. I left my hair natural. It was wavy and cute, but made the look more casual. I did my make-up like I usually did. Nothing special.

I got in his car and he was wearing khaki shorts and a dark blue polo. He looked so cute.

"You look handsome." I said while buckling my seatbelt. He smiled at me. I looked up at him and he kissed me softly. I giggled a bit when we pulled away. Butterflies flew around in my stomach. No matter how many times he kissed me, I felt the same firework sensation every time.

"You look stunning." He whispered, his cool breath running down my neck sending chills down my spine. Our lips were only centimeters apart with my nose and forehead resting on his. My heart pounded harder in my chest. He put his hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb around. He kissed me passionately again. I smiled into the kiss.

Before things got out of hand and we started making out in my driveway, I pulled away. I bit my lip to stop myself. We both smiled at the same time.

I realized that me and him kiss a lot for a couple that just got together. And , he didn't even ask me to be his girlfriend yet. So, technically we really weren't officially a couple. We were just dating. I don't even know what to call it. But still, not that I was complaining, we kissed a lot. Maybe I just wasn't used to someone being so affectionate. Or maybe Austin was making up for all the times he didn't get to kiss me even though he really wanted to.

He pulled out of the driveway and started to drive out of my development.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Surprise." He answered interlocking our fingers, holding my hand. I loved holding hands. It was the cutest way to show affection. It was like you were giving the other person a part of you to just hold on to even though you are doing something else.

"Okay." I chimed. He looked confused.

"Your not going to beg me to figure out where we're going?"

"Nope." I said, a slight smile on my face. I was going to get him to tell me better this way then begging. I know him way to well. He smirked at me.

"Your an asshole." He yelled softly through laughter.

"Yep." I remarked. I giggled softly.

"Well if your dying to know, we're going to Gruene River Grill." I knew I could get it out of him easily. And he picked one of my favorite restaurants. He was so sweet.

"Are you sure? It could take us like 45 minutes to an hour."

"Anything for you baby." My cheeks felt hot and flushed quickly. I pecked his cheek lightly. I loved him.

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We got there in about 50 minutes because there was no traffic. It was a nice Tex-Mex restaurant on a really cute river. The hostess sat us close to the back near the window so we could look out at the water. Austin pulled out my chair so I could sit down. I couldn't remember a time a boy had ever done that for me. I blushed and sat down.

Austin was the sweetest person I knew. He had so much charm and cuteness to him, no wonder these girls are all over him. He really was the definition of a southern gentleman. Why hadn't I seen this before?

Austin sat down across from me and smiled brightly. Oh, and that smile. It made me swoon. I smiled back at him.

We looked over our menus, occasionally having a small chat. At one point Austin put down his menu and took out his phone. I pretended like I didn't notice. He was probably asking all his mahomies what they were up to. I discreetly smiled. He was so good to them. He loved interacting with his mahomies and loved making them happy.

He put his phone down when our waitress came over and asked us what we want to drink.

"Water please." He chimed.

"A sweet tea please." I responded. She nodded and told us she'd be right back. Austin and I just talked about stupid stuff for a while. But, that was what we usually did. There was no difference in conversation at all. The only thing that was remotely different in this situation was that he was holding my hand from across the table. I liked it this way. Nothing about us changed, it was just that we were more affectionate towards each other now. I could live with that. I could say the weirdest things I wanted to, have the conversations I want to have, and laugh as hard as I wanted to because it was... Austin. It wasn't just some guy that I needed to impress. I had already won him over, by being myself. And that was definitely a great feeling.

*********** ************ ***********

The car ride home was long because of all the traffic that had built up while we were in the restaurant. But, we knew how to make the most out of it. Austin blasted the radio, and we sang as loudly and obnoxiously as possible. And even then Austin's voice sounded amazing. He could do whatever he wanted with his voice and he would still sound like an angel. I, on the other hand sounded like a dying elephant.

Mmm Yeah came on the radio and I freaked out. Austin just laughed at me. We sang and danced along and I was having the time of my life. And then it hit me like a bus. Austin's famous, he has a new single. He has to leave soon. I continued to sing along and smile as if I didn't feel like crying. I didn't want to ask when he was leaving. I didn't even want to know.

We pulled into my driveway, and I planned to get out of the car and up to my room as quickly as possible. I opened the door and jumped out, yelling a quick goodbye on the way out. But, Austin was getting out of the car too. I walked around the front of his car, the headlights shining brightly on me. I bumped into Austin on my race to the door. He grabbed my waist softly and I looked up at him.

"I was just gonna walk you to your door." He stated quietly. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. And for a moment, all of my worries seemed to fade. I kissed him back, running my fingers through his thick curly brown hair. He seemed to hold on to me a bit tighter as he slid his hands to my back. I stood up a bit on my tippy toes so that I could intensify the kiss a bit more without Austin having to lean down. He held me close and I cupped his face in my hands. Austin abruptly separated the kiss so we could both catch our breath. We breathed heavily with our foreheads and noses sill resting on one another.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked quietly and smoothly. My stomach turned.

"Of course." I smiled faintly. We started to kiss again. I couldn't even enjoy it, because I had to keep reminding myself not to get attached. Because before I knew it, he would be gone.

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