Farewell, Farewell

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The world was mourning the lose of a Angel. Videos of DeAnn poped up every hour. Videos of DeAnn singing or simply just talking. The one that was the most sad was the video where she asked not just her family but the world to look after her children. 

Her children who sat here in the church listening to the preacher was talking about. He was talking about how everything happens for a reason.

"How could your God do this?" Chyler asked out loud. She got stood up walking over to her Preacher. "He left us alone with no parents. He took them away. How could he do that!"

"William do something." Queen Elizabeth demanded. William just ignored her.

"He had his reasons for coming to fetch her." He answered the six year old.

"What was his reason. My Mummy was good. She helped people she was good and he took her away. He left us alone how could he do that?!" She turned to the cross before shouting some more. "How could you do this. You left us alone!"

The world watch the six year old fall on her knees infront of her mother's coffin.

"Mummy please don't leave us. Please come back we need you." She cried. Before anyone could do something Liam and Rosalie had their sister in their arms. The three kids cried into each other's arms.

"Rose what are we going to do?" Liam asked looking at Rosalie who held Chyler close to her. "We're alone."

"We not alone. We have each other. Your my family and I love you, no matter what." She replied pulling Liam back into a hug. "I promise to always protect you."

William, Harry and Kate picked the children up off the floor and took them to a private section and just held them promising them everything is going to be okay.

"They're asleep."Kate announced looking at the three who cried themselves to sleep.

"We should probably get back out there."  William said.

"You guys go I'll stay with them." Harry said. William nob seeing through Harry's excuse. Harry had yet to cry over his sister, his twin.

He walked over to the corner of the room. The moment the door closed the Duke of  Sussex broke down.

"Why God. How could you take her. She had kids who need her. They not even nine yet. How could you leave them in this world without any parent? Was that your plan all along. Give her everything she want then before she could enjoy it take her away. If that's the case your not the man I thought you where." Harry cried out. "You took away my best friend. You left me here without my best friend."

The room was quite no movement was heard just sobs of Harry and the children of the late;

Princess DeAnn Charlotte Rosalie Spencer Of Windsor.

On earth they might be sad but in heaven Diana Spencer rejoiced at the sight of her daughter, her Angel.

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