Mental Health

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Mental health has always been something very important that my family invest alot of time in. So when we hear about The Lovato Scholarship program we knew we had to get involve with this program. We could not thank Miss Demi Lovato enough for letting us get involved in this program and the fact that she is so opening making the younger generation aware that it's okay to have mental illness and it's even more okay to ask for help." DeAnn finished her speech with around of applors from the audience.

"Thank you so much." Demi said shaking DeAnn hand.

"There is nothing to say thank you for. We are glade to be doing this." DeAnn replied with a laugh.

"Your Highness, Miss Lovato a photo please?" The photographer asked. The two women lined up for a photograph with huge smiles on their faces. "That looks great. Thank you."

"If there is anything you need don't be afraid to ask. Our door is always open."

"Well actually there is something." 'Well that was fast.'

"Name it and I'll see if I could make it happen." DeAnn replied with a smile a fake smile but Demi didn't know that.

"I'm really hungry. Do you mind if I stick you for lunch. That's if you have the time?" Demi asked hopefully.

"I would actually love that. Do you know a place because I don't?" DeAnn laugh.

"Don't worry I got iy covered. Just come along and enjoy yourself."

"Awesome." DeAnn said throwing her arm around Demi's shoulder. "Do you mind if I get a burger. I've been craving one."

"You read my mind." The two women laughed while walking out of the building. Paparazzi snapping every moment. Like aways.

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