20 years

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"Twenty years. Do you still get sad thinking back to that day."

"Definitely. How could I not. If only I knew that my world would have change when I placed down that phone." DeAnn smiled.

"If you could spend the day with your mother one last time. What would you do?"

"I would spend it with her and my children. I would just love to watch her meet them and see how she would have interacted with them. I'd probably just stare at her and admire her beauty. This might be biase but I had the most beautiful mum ever." DeAnn said with a laugh at the end. "I'm not even sorry to say it."

"You shouldn't be because she was beautiful. What kind of grandmother do you think she would have been?"

"A naughty one. I think she would be the one who gets the kids in trouble, give them lot's of sweets then go. Oh angel they just kids. They only have one life let them enjoy it." DeAnn laugh. "I would have hated her because she would have made my job harder and I'm sure my children would have chosen her over me."

"Do you talk about her alot with Rosalie and the twins?"

"I do and not just with them but Goerge and Charlotte aswell. I use to think they didn't pay attention to what I tell them about her but I was proven wrong. There's times when I hear Rosalie tell the twins. Grandma Diana wouldn't approve of your fighting or grandma Diana would have loved that. It just warms my heart." DeAnn said looking down at her hand.

"What kind of mother was she?"

"The one I want to be. She would pull me from class just to take me shopping or if I had a sporting events and I'd come home my pillow case would be stuffed with sweets. Recently I went back to her Kensington apartment and I went into my room and found a sweets that was still in the pillow case. It actually broke my heart to think that was the first time been there since her death and everything was still exactly the same down the the paint color."

"If you could turn back time to that trip what would you do different."

"Nothing, at first I thought about it alot but as time went by I realised God does everything for a reason. She just wanted peace and she got peace. It might not have been the way anyone expected it to be but I believe she's happy where she is right now." With that words the interview end

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