The Talk

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"Ready for bed?" DeAnn asked walking into Rosalie's room. The six years old nob patting the spot next to her for her mother to lay down.

"Cuddle with me Mummy." She begged looking at DeAnn with her big blue eyes. Without a saying a word she cuddled with her daughter. She started to hum and before she knew it she was singing.

Little Princess
Summer Flowers in her hair
Playing ring around the rosie in the picture there.
Tip toeing around the house in her Mama's shoes
Coloring her lips red in her bedroom


Prom Queen wanna be like in magazines
Think she found her king barely seventeen.
Two much that the worlds wanting you to do
When you still just a child in your Mama's shoes

Little girl, little girl
Don't grow up to fast
For you know you be wishing you could just go back
Don't you know there will be plenty of time for that
Somewhere down the road
Yeah it's all gonna fly in a blink of an eye
You can't slow down this thing called life
So take your time and let it last
Little girl don't grow up to fast

Sometimes I feel like I'm hanging on to a tread
Climbing lethers trying to get to the next step
Working hard always wanting something more
Missing how things where simple like it was before
Cause it's hard to know just what to do
When I still feel like a child in my Mama's shoes

Little girl, little girl
Don't grow up to fast
For you know you be wishing you could just go back
Don't you know there will be plenty of time for that
Somewhere down the road
Yeah it's all gonna fly in a blink of an eye
You can't slow down this thing called life
So take your time and let it last
Little girl don't grow up to fast

Ooh, yeah

Sometimes I wish I could just go back and say
Take your time and make it last

Little girl,
Yeah it's all gonna fly in a blink of an eye
You can't slow down this thing called life
So take your time and let it last
Little girl don't grow up to fast
Little girl don't grow up to fast


"Night Little bit."  She said thinking Rose was asleep.

"I'm still awake Mummy." She replied holding on tighter to her mother. "Mummy Lana kissed me and I kissed her."

"I know." DeAnn replied brushing Rosalie hair. "How does that make you feel."

"I don't know. I think I liked it. The other day I heard the Michelle say that her parents say it's wrong for to boys and two girls to love eachother." DeAnn heard her daughter sniff making her heart hurt.

"Michelle's parents are stupid. When she says that again tell her your mum said that it's more then okay for two girls or boys to love eachother."


"Mummy loves you and I will still love you if you love another girl or boy. I will support you in whatever decisions you make unless it's illegal." She said kissing all over her daughter's face. "Now close your eyes and go to sleep."

"Okay. I love you Mummy."

"I love you too Little Bit."  She whispered she knew she wasn't getting up from this bed tonight so she made herself comfortable. She just hope Rosalie makes the right decisions in life and that she's happy. That's her wish for all her children.

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