Temporary Home

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DeAnn let out a loud laugh at the joke the eleven years old was telling her about his little sister. She couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Then what did you do?" She ask excitedly to hear what just happened.

"Princess come and talk to me leave the boy." A old man said from the crowed.

"In a minute Sir." She replied before turning her attention back to the boy signalling him to continue with his story.

"I left her there acting like I didn't see what happened." He shrugged.

"Well now your mum knows." She said motioning to his mother who was listening to the story too.

"I'm probably going to get in trouble."  He pout looking up at his mum.

"No mum you are not going to punish him are you?" DeAnn pout along with the boy.

"If he cleans his room he can get off easily." The mother replied.

"Is that a deal Noah?" DeAnn asked the little boy pout but nob in agreement. He honestly didn't care he just got to meet the princess.


"Good. It was nice to meet you both." DeAnn smiled walking away from the two.

She walked down the row shaking peoples hands as she walks past. Sometimes greetings and having a few words with them.

"Hello Sir." DeAnn greeted a man in his early thirties. "How are you."

"I'm well you look amazing. I've always had a crush on you and I don't know why I said that out loud." He mumble making her laugh.

"Don't worry about it. Unfortunately I'm married if I was single maybe."She joked going to walk away but he pulled her into a hug.

"Maybe if your single." He said letting her go when her security detail rushed forward a second later. He dissappeared into the crowd leaving DeAnn standing socked.

"You alright Princess?" Jones asked. Checking the Princess. Her eyes trailed down to DeAnn's stomach where her hands was.

"Jones." DeAnn mumble collapsing in Jones's arm.

"No,No,No. Songbird is down! songbird is down!" With that world it seems the world seem to stop. DeAnn was rushed into a car that speeded off to the nearest hospital.

"DeAnn stay awake. Please." Jones begged wiping away her tears.

"I don't want to die. My children is still young." DeAnn cried thinking about her children her youngest is only four months.

"Everything will be alright. You will be alright." DeAnn nob looking into Jones arm. Slowly Jones saw the life dissappear from DeAnn's eyes.

"Rosalie is going to be the next Queen of England. My children are going to be leaders of countries." DeAnn smiled at Jones.

"I know they are. Have you met them they are going to rule the world."  Jones agreed.

"They are." DeAnn agreed closing her eyes.

"Hey stay awake!" Jones said slapping DeAnn lightly. "You have to be there to see them rule the world."

"I will see them rule the world." DeAnn let out a smile before staring off into a distant. "My four children are waiting for me at home. They so beautiful Jones."

"They are so you fight to go home to them."

"Tell Rosalie, Liam Chyler and Isaiah I love them. Make sure Isaiah know I loved him." Jones just nob. She knew it was to late to safe her best friend. "Mummy, I'm ready to come home."

"We here." The driver announced looking back after a few minutes.

"It's too late." Jones sobbed over DeAnn's body. How can this be happening? How?"She's gone."

Life Line Part 2(Royal Family) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ