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It was DeAnn's weekend with the children and when we say with the children it ment:

Rosalie, Chyler Liam obviously.

William's: Charlotte and George.

Peter: Savanna and Isla

Zara: Mia

Edward: Louise who luckily is fourteen and James

It's only been a month since this arrangement and this was her first time getting the kids.  She already hates it.

"Okay enough." DeAnn shout over the loud noise. DeAnn rub her head thinking of something to do for them.

"Okay here is what we are going to do. Put on your shoes and coats. We are going to get some McDonald and then we are going to benchwatch some movie on Netflix how does that sound."

"We get to have McDonald? I've never had that." Mia asked shocked.

"You've never had McDonalds." Goerge and Rosalie asked at the same time.

"No." She awkwardly answered

"That's good it's not healthy but we will make an exception okay."She said picking up Mia.

"If it's not healthy why do you let us eat it?" Rosalie asked with a frown.

"You ask to much questions." DeAnn said making James and Louise laugh.

"But Mummy it's unhealthy."

"It's fine. Go put on your shoes and coat. Louise, James can you help the younger once." They and did as DeAnn told them to. That was easy. She thought to herself.

After a few minutes she came down stairs dressed and ready to go.

"Who's ready for McDonald big Mac and ice cream. Mia I swear on my life you will love Auntie DeAnn more after this?"

"How much more?" Mia asked skeptically. It's no secret that Mia doesn't like being around DeAnn very much. It's probably because DeAnn tease the little girl so much.

"I don't know but I do know it's alot more." DeAnn replied opening the door for the kids. They walked out and DeAnn followed after them hoping and praying this plan works.

Of course it worked but she didn't know that then. Little Mia couldn't get enough of her McDonalds.

Life Line Part 2(Royal Family) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ