Kiss And A Hug

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"I hate you. I can't wait until I'm old enough to not live with you." Rosalie cried looking at DeAnn.

"Well you might hate me but I love you." DeAnn replied making the girl cry harder.

"No you don't!"  She shout DeAnn bend down to her daughter's eye level. She really didn't want to draw more attention to them but she was definitely not going to buy Rosalie a doll of a hundred euros when she has more then enough at home.

"Look at me." She calmly stated.


"Rosalie look into my eyes." The little girl did what her mother said. "I love you very much but I'm not going to buy you the doll because you have more enough toys at home."

"If you love me you would buy me the doll."She pout.

"Well if that's how you measure love then you must really hate me because you have never bought me a doll." Reverse phycoligy always work on her children.

"I do love you Mummy. You just make me very sad and then I get mad. I don't want to be mad at you. It hurts me more then it hurts you." DeAnn but her bottom lip to prevent herself from laughing at her daughter infront of all these people watching.

"Can we forget about the doll and move on then." DeAnn asked hopeful.

Rosalie let out a sigh before replying. "I guess."

"Can I have a kiss and hug to seal the deal."She ask holding out her pinky.  The two hooked their pinkies before kissing the end of the fist. Like they did when kissed in public. After that Rosalie threw her arms around her mother.

"I love you Mummy."

"I love you too Little Bit." She replied. She couldn't her the cameras clicking and a few awww's and that is so cute.

"So is that a no on the doll."

"Rosalie."  She said letting out a laugh.

"I'm just joking Mummy but if you want to I won't stop you." She sassed throwing her brown hair over her shoulder.

'Jip she's my daughter'

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