Hate To Lose

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"No!" DeAnn shout watching South Africa score again.

"Yes!" Princess Charlene and actress Charlize Thereon hi-fived. The three blonds where in South Africa for a charity event.

"Oh don't get to hi and mighty England is going to win this." She told the two South Africans who laughed.

"Whatever you say." Charlize said with a laugh.

"Come on England make your country proud! For God shake your Princess is here." She mumble the last part behind her hand. The two blonds laugh at DeAnn's reaction.

Fast forward England lose the game by one point.

"I told you we would win." Charlene said nibbling on her cotton candy.

"Only because that ref was bias. That last trial was before the line everyone saw it but him." DeAnn argued.

"Your just a sore loser." Charlize said with a laugh.

"I am not."

"Yes you are." Charlene agreed with Charlize.

"Name something besides this game." That was her worst mistake. Charlene and Charlize started naming a whole lot of different things while DeAnn tried to deny each of them.

"I never once did that so I don't know what you are talking about." DeAnn agreed with Charlene.

"Okay now I know you are lying because you did it with me too." Charlize said.

"Okay now the two of you are just ganging up on me." She pout before letting out a laugh. "I actually remember that now."

"Then you want to argue. Jy is ń ander soorte mense. Weet jy dit?" Charlene laugh.

"The only sort of person I am is the best kind and yes I know." She sass. The other two women just shook their heads laughing at DeAnn. She really is a character.

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