Royal Announcement

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"Good day. Today I stand infront of you as a mother, a grandmother, great grandmother and a Queen.

For those of you who do not know who I am my name is Elizabeth Windsor-Mountbetten. Today I have a very important announcement that will effects the all of youheaverly. I promise it's nothing bad so don't panic. I do suggest you put away your phones, drugs and your lust and pay attention.

The past ten years there has been so many almost to the monarchy ending but luckily I had someone by my side to help me make the right decisions and save the history of our nation.

My granddaughter Princess DeAnn has been through so much from losing her husband to having not one but four miscarriages. Yet every day she got out of bed and helped make this nation great. Going on a six month tour alone away from her children. She negotiated and stopped a war from becoming even worst then it is at the moment. She was the one who was able to let soldiers come home to see their families after five years. That is the kind of woman she is. Hard-headed but also kind-hearted. DeAnn we don't say it enough. We are internally grateful for you. You have done so much to keep not only the monarchy together but us as a family. Your mother would be proud of you.

After careful consideration. I've decided, no parliament, my family and I decided that DeAnn would take over after I die being placed first in the line of succession with her children after her. Prince Charles will not be in the line of succession which place William fifth in line and so on. Yes I know you all are shocked and it would take time getting use to but you will I promise you, you will.

England I hope you agree with me on this decision. Have a good day and God bless all of you.

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