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"Why is he driving so fast?" DeAnn asked William and Harry. "Why are you driving so fast?"

"I'm trying to get rid of the press ma'am." He said making a sharp turn.

"This is ridiculous. Stop the car." DeAnn stressed.

"Are you insane?" Harry asked her. "Don't stop."

"Stop the car. I have a bad feeling stop the car." It was like someone heard her words and made it happen. One moment he was next to the car the next moment he was infront of the car. The driver pressed brakes which was probably the worst thing he could have done. The car flipped making everyone scream.

"Ahhh." She whispered taking a deep breath.  "Is everyone okay?"

"Yes." She heard her siblings replied.

"Jacob." She asked panicked. Instead of getting a reply she was met with silence. "No Jacob."

She took off her seatbelt before kicking out the window. She crawl out of the car going over to the driver side. She grabbed the camara laying on the floor slamming out the window by the driver. Grabbing a piece of glass and cut the seatbelt.

"Help me get him out."She ordered her brothers who was standing watching her. They did what she said while she checked on the driver of the motor bike.

"What now." Harry ask unsure what to do.

"I need you to start chest compressions." She said. Harry started doing the compressions while DeAnn moved over to help Jacob.

After William was done calling the ambulance he started to panic. There was press all around them trying to get a better picture. Not even a second later. The police pulled up.

"William I don't feel so good." DeAnn said after she got back Jacobs heart starting again.

"Your bleeding alot." He said in shock. He took off his jacket to put on her wound.  He walked closer to his sister and saw something that shocked him even more. Glass pieces cutting deep in his sisters face. "Oh no."

"What?" She asked before collapsing in her brothers arms due to the blood loss. The only thing going through her mind was her children.

Life Line Part 2(Royal Family) Where stories live. Discover now