Chelsea Handler

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Chelsea Lately walked into the "living room" at Buckingham Palace to do the first ever interview as the next monarch of England. She's doing the interview with England's reigning monarch her grandmother Queen Elizabeth.

"I can't believe I'm doing this interview it's fucking crazy. Am I allowed to say that out loud?" She asked one of the guards. They don't reply only stare ahead of themselves.

"You are however it's good manners not to." DeAnn said walking into the room with the Queen. Chelsea jumped turning around to face the Royals.

"Crap. I mean hello your Majesty and Your future Majesty." Chelsea said with a curtesy. The Queen and DeAnn let out a small laugh.

"Miss Handler, when my granddaughter told me she choose you to do her first interview I wasn't quite sure it was the right decision." The Queen said.

"I'm sure now your positive." She said making the Queen laugh.

"Yes very. I like you miss Handler you are not proper at all. You very laid back." DeAnn said sitting down next to her grandmother. "That's exactly what I need at the moment someone laid back."

"So If the two of you should have a theme song to represent you, what would it be? Mine is Marvin Gaye Sexsual healing in case you want to know."

"I think ours is Imagen Dragons Thunder." DeAnn answered looking at her grandmother for approval.

"It's between that and Waka Waka." DeAnn grin cause this is the one song her grandmother never gets sick of.

"Old people. What's waka?" Chelsea asked with a confused look on her face.

"It's a song Shakira released when the FIFA World Cup was held in South Africa. I can't believe you haven't heard it before. Your getting old miss Handler."  DeAnn laugh with a shy smile on her face.

"I'm in my twenties don't over exaggerated." Chelsea joked making everyone laugh.

"I'm afraid you are past that stage." The Queen said making everyone laugh harder while Chelsea looked shocked.

"You're one to talk." She told the Queen while laughing. "Let's change the topic from our age we don't want everyone to talk about that."

"What do you want to talk about?" DeAnn asked raising a eyebrow.

"You being the future Queen. How's that for a conversation." Chealsea said raising a eyebrow at the two Royals infront of her. "Honestly I'm glad you are the next Queen men are so overrated always wanting to be king."

"It wasn't an easy decision to make. It's generations of rules and laws that we just changed however we are sure that this is the way to go if we want there to be a monarchy in the future. We've watched so many fall and don't want it to happen to our country." DeAnn states.

"DeAnn is the one who will make England thrive again. I'm sure William or Charles would have been able to do it but DeAnn will take the extra mile. She's ask all the right questions and it's good thing to have if you want to be Queen." Elizabeth added to DeAnn's answer.

"It really is a good quality to have not just as a Queen but in life too. Let's be honest it's kicking our...behind." Chelsea replied while the word ass for behind.

"I think everyone can agree with that."DeAnn agreed.

"I think you will be a great Queen. I Googled you so I know you will be a great Queen." Chelsea shrugged.

"Yes cause the Internet and media is always correct." Queen Elizabeth sarcastically replied making the two blond women laughed.

"Right they know everything about everyone." Chelsea said rolling her eyes.

"You're getting old now do you read tabloids?" Chealsea asked the Queen.

"Well Chelsea thank you for stating that I'm getting old and not that I'm already old."

"Well you said it. Plus I'm in your home and country so I can't say that." Chelsea shrugged like it's nothing.

"To answer your question much as I hate to admit it I do read it. I just love to hear what everyone thinks of me. I unfortunately don't have the discipline that DeAnn has. She only reads the news and financial section never gossip." Elizabeth praised her granddaughter.

"I would love to say I am the same as you but I do read gossip secrion. Not on the Internet because I'm bad with technology but in the newspaper they have that section about the top celebrity news. I read it to make my hangover worst so I don't have to go into work the day?"

"Does it work?" DeAnn questioned Chelsea.

"It definitely makes the hangover worst but I still have to go into work every day." The two blonds had a laugh while the Queen shook her head in amusement. "Your brother's and father must have been pissed when thwy heard you where going to be Queen."

"They where but quickly got over it. Harry didn't even care he knew he was probably never getting the throne. My dad and William was probably glad they didn't have to have the pressure on them. I remember William said be didn't even know why he was angry but to honest I would be just as mad. Remember he worked his whole life preparing to be king. Never made mistakes like some of us then suddenly you are not king anymore. That's just sad." DeAnn rant on and on.

"Would you go back and turn down the offer?" Chelsea asked DeAnn.

"No I would not." DeAnn replied without any thinking about it. She only thought of the state she saw William in the night of his breakdown. She never wanted to see her big brother like that again.

"What about you Your Majesty. Do you feel you made the right decision?"

"I stand one hundred percent behind my decision. This was and still is the best decision for everyone."  Queen Elizabeth answered smiling at her granddaughter who returned the smile.

"Well if you are not worried then neither am I and I'm not even British." Chealsea shrugged before letting out a laugh.  "Your Majesty, your Highness thank you for sitting down with me. I wish you nothing but the best for the future. Princess no pressure but don't mess up."

"Thank you Chelsea and I'll try my best not to butcher this." DeAnn replied with a light laugh. "Plus I still have an amazing Queen by my side."

"I don't think there is anything else I can teach you. Your going to be the greatest Queen the world has ever seen."  DeAnn let out a aww along with Chelsea.

"Well this is just sickening." Chelsea grumble at the grandmother, granddaughter duo.

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