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"Nana, Pá." The kids shout running into the Henstridge house.

"I hear my grand baby's." Joslyn said coming out of the kitchen with both her arm's open. "I missed you so much. Are you spending the night. Are they spending the night."

"The week actually according to them. If that's okay with you." DeAnn said before mouthing.

"More then okay." Jose said pulling DeAnn into a hug. "Are you staying for dinner. I made Mac and cheese."

"Then I'm definitely staying." She said following Joslyn into the kitchen while the kids ran out to the backyard.

"So..." Joslyn said.

"So?" DeAnn countered with a slight laugh. She knew what this was about.

"I got a ten thousand euros in my bank account yesterday. Let us talk about that. You don't have to take care of us DeAnn?"

"I'm not. That's what the Military payed out."

"Then it should go towards the kids." She argued.

"No I've made up my mind. That money is yours and that's final. The children don't need that money you know that. I've made arrangements for ten thousand euros to be payed into your accounts monthly. Use it I don't care for what. Just don't save that money okay."

"Why are you doing the?" She asked DeAnn with tears in her eyes.

"Because your my mum even if ever get married again which will probably never happen. You will always be my my family. My Mum and Pa." DeAnn said pulling Joslyn into a hug.

"What's going on here?" Andrew asked walking into the kitchen with the kids.

"I'm just thanking DeAnn honey." Joslyn told her husband.

"I thought we agreed we are not going to accept it." He said confused.

"I tried but you know her head is as hard as a rock. Nothing gets throw it." She said making the kids giggle.

"Well in that case come over here and give me a hug." Andrew didn't even have to ask twice before she was in her arms. "I hope this is a one time thing DeAnn."

"Not a chance old man. Your stuck with me as a daughter and that monthly money in your bank account. Think about it this way. I'm paying you to be my family."

"You don't have to pay us we will do it for free."He said hugging her even tighter.

"Okay you can let go now I still have to breath." DeAnn gasp out making the kids laugh once more.

"Andrew let DeAnn go." Jose scolled her husband who just laughed and ruffle DeAnn's hair before letting her go.

"Mean old man."She grumble fixing her hair all while the everyone laughed at her.

Life Line Part 2(Royal Family) Where stories live. Discover now