The Next Generation

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Walking into the Queen's office has been like a daily thing for DeAnn and everyone else. She sees her grandmother everyone in the family combined.

"Gran I'm here." She said barging into the Queen's office...well kind off the door was opened for her but that's not the point.

"On time like always DeAnn." The prime minister Theresa May said from where she stood.

"Like clock work ma'am." DeAnn joked shacking hands with the minister. After dropping into a curtesy for the Queen.

"We are just about done." The Queen replied from her seat.  DeAnn nob going over to the desk that was set up for her by the Queen's request.

"That should be the next monarch." Theresa said admiring DeAnn. "If you ever want to make that change ma'am parliament will stand behind you completely."

"Nonsense." The Queen laughed but it was not the first time that she heard that. Her own husband suggested it after DeAnn told them all off. "Why break yeaf of tradition."

"Just a suggestion Your Majesty." Theresa smiled. "Well I'll see you next week."

"Looking forward to it." The Queen replied pressing the bell. The door opened allowing the Mister to leave the room.

"Did you see this." DeAnn asked her grandmother holding out the page.

"You know we don't get involved in politics especially not other countries politics." Her Majesty told her granddaughter.

"This isn't political this is people's lives. This was just a young man walking home from school and he was shot down. That could have been one of our own." DeAnn argued back. "We have to do something. Even if it's just showing everyone that we care."

"And how are we going to do that without interfering.?" Elizabeth asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We send someone to this young mans funeral. We talk to the mother and family. Maybe talk about modern day violence. That could be the a start." She said hoping the Queen is listening to what she's saying. "Anything just to show these people that even if their government is not listening we are. We have to stand together to protect our children because they are the future of this world."

"Theresa was right." The Queen replied making DeAnn frown.

"Excuse me?"

"Your going to America and you are taking your new boyfriend with you. Meet his family and when you return I want to meet him." The Queen said before walking out of the room.

"His not my boyfriend." She called out after her before softly adding. "Yet anyway."

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