Part 14 on the run

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Genji: Zenyatta I'm glad to see you too. *gives him a hug*
Zenyatta: oh I can't stay mad at someone with cheeks as cute as yours.
Genji: *blushes*  Z-zenyatta
McCree: How did y'all find us.
Zenyatta: Genji has a tracker installed in him.
Genji: What?
Zenyatta: Nothing don't worry to much about sweet pea.
Hanzo: Anyway here *tosses a bag at Genji and one at McCree*
McCree: What's this for?
Hanzo: Soon after you two left we decided to follow. When we made it to city hall zenyatta was able to use his transcends to call down the riot. While I searched for the mayor I checked the abandoned storage rooms the Shimada clan once use for "business". It was armed but nothing I couldn't handle then I rescued him. We thought you guys would be home by then but no one was there we waited around for a bit until Talon agents surrounded the house. We packed everything we could and took the secret entrance out of the city.
Zenyatta: Looks like we can't go back there, they're looking for Hanzo.
McCree: Not like we can show our faces in city's considering they want us dead.
Genji: Such a shame I will miss that place.
Hanzo: where should we go now.
McCree: We should just keep moving for now.
Zenyatta: How about we go to Nepal
Genji: That's a great idea the omnics there are so kind.
McCree: Are they anything like your friend zenyatta.
Genji: For the most part yeah why?
McCree: *thinks about all the other omnics and poor Genji being alone with them.* Oh alright then.
Genji: Is something the matter McCree?
McCree: Nothing Let's Just go.
[The four men begin their journey to Nepal. After a while Hanzo  start to slow down.]
Zenyatta: What's wrong  out of shape?
Hanzo: Quiet fool it's not that. I'm just a little overheated from the sun.
McCree: Then let me carry you for a bit.
Hanzo: No I'm fine.
McCree: Nonsense *grabs Hanzo's tattooed arm*
Hanzo: Aaahhh *immediately pulls away* don't touch me I'm been out in this sun way to long and I'm starting to get sunburn.
McCree: *takes a poncho out of his bag* here darlin wear this.
Hanzo: ...... I'll take my chances with sunburn.
Zenyatta: Freakin drama queen just put it on.
Hanzo: I'm not putting that thing on
McCree: *shoves it on Hanzo* there now isn't that better.
Hanzo: ...T-thanks

[The sun beings to set still a while away from the next city they decide to camp for the night

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[The sun beings to set still a while away from the next city they decide to camp for the night.]
McCree: Well we best be setting up for the night.
Zenyatta: Oh Hell no, you expect me to stay out here.
Hanzo: Suck it up its not even that bad.
Genji: *sets up the tent* Master please  we can sleep in here.
Zenyatta: *sigh* I guess this will have to due.
McCree: *sets up the other tent* me and you can share this one Hanzo.
Zenyatta: Try not to be to loud you kids.
Genji: Master you talk as if you're older.
Hanzo: Wait What do you mean by that how old is your teacher?
Zenyatta: That's a rude question but if you must know I'm 20 but smarter than you humans.
McCree: Well that explains a lot actually.
[They climb into their tents to get ready for a long night.]
McCree: *takes off clothes except his boxers* man I'm beat.
Hanzo: must you always sleep like that?
McCree: you know you love it.
Hanzo: *blushes* any way How was your day Jesse
McCree: How do you think it was
Hanzo: you know that's not what I meant.
McCree: Yeah I know just pulling ya leg, today was not what I was hoping for.
Hanzo: What happened did you see him, the one you were looking for.
McCree: Yeah it was nothing like how I imagine it would be. I saw him for a second then he knocked me out I never got the chance to talk with him. I hope for better luck next time.
Hanzo: *holds McCree hand* there is no such thing as luck only success or failure so I wish you success.

Hanzo: *holds McCree hand* there is no such thing as luck only success or failure so I wish you success

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McCree: Ya have a funny way with words but I appreciate you're kindness.
Hanzo: *chuckles* you're one to talk cowboy.
McCree: *kisses Hanzo's hand* I love ya sweetheart.
Hanzo: *his whole face turns red* s-Shut up.
McCree: make me
Hanzo: *straddles McCree tilting Mccree's chin up towards him* maybe I will.
McCree: *kisses Hanzo on the lips then runs his hands down his back softly squeezing his ass* You have such a nice ass.
Hanzo: *turns his head away speechless* ....... p-p-please touch me more. *takes off his shirt and starts grinding his hips against McCree then he feels something poking him.*
McCree: *pulls Hanzo down against the ground putting himself on top.* I'm gonna do more than just touch you. *takes off Hanzo's pants seeing him fully erect* doesn't take much to get you going.
Hanzo: *rubs Mccree's member* I can say the same for you.
McCree: *slips two of his mechanical fingers inside of Hanzo.*
Hanzo: ah that's too cold Jesse
McCree: you'll feel good in a second. *clicks a button turning on a powerful vibrator in his fingers.*
[Hanzo arches his back practically trembling looking into McCree's eyes mesmerized by his smirk feeling vulnerable.]
McCree: shh not so loud your gonna wake your brother.
Hanzo: mmmm M-McCree ah i want you.
McCree: ....Damn it why do you have to be so gosh darn beautiful. *sits him up then puts his member inside of hanzo* you're still so tight darlin.
Hanzo: *precum slowly runs down his member* p-please f__k me McCree.
[Without a second thought McCree thrust hard and fast into Hanzo hitting him in all the right spots. McCree grabs Hanzo's jaw turns it towards him and kisses Hanzo.]
Hanzo: *moaning into McCree's mouth pulls away* I-I'm ... gonna ....AHHHHHH.
[Genji hears the noise thinking there getting attacked he gets his sword to see if there ok. He goes over there and opened the tent and sees them. And turns around to leave ]
McCree: I gonna come in side you *glances up and sees Genji leavening. He gets flashbacks from his blackwatch days then cums saying Genji's name.*
Hanzo: *Looks at McCree* Did you just say Genji's name!?
McCree: *just realizing what he did* Yeah sorry he startled me when he opened up the tent.
Hanzo: ...damn it I must have been to loud.
McCree: *kisses his forehead* you're fine darlin get some rest.
[Hanzo basically passes out while McCree gets out of the tent for a bit.]
Genji: *leaned up against a bolder with his arms crossed looking at McCree.* What was that!?
McCree: *walks over to him*Oh Hanzo and I were just —
Genji: Not that! Why did you call my name just as you were finishing up. And don't give me that half ass excuse that I startled you.
McCree: It slipped out when I saw you it made me think about our past.
Genji: R-really?
McCree: Yeah I couldn't get certain thoughts out of my head.
Genji: *hugs McCree and rest his head on his chest* what happened where did it go wrong.
McCree: I'm not sure but it's in the pass I'm with Hanzo now. *takes Genji's hands and puts them together cupping them*
Genji: I know I'm sorry I can't just ignore I too think about the pass but you have to at least tell him. He deserves to know. If it were me I would want to know.
McCree: I know you're right but I'll have to tell him when the times right.

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