Part 22 The Fractured

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[Hanzo dashes our try to grab Mccree, McCree dodges him just by an inch. McCree points his gun towards him]
McCree: Hanzo don't make me do this.
Moira: Do you really think he can comprehend what you're saying!?
Hanzo: *Roars at them*
[Moira uses her beam draining the life out of hanzo. He turns around lunges forward at her she fades but his speed is almost to fast for her to even react he slashes managing to scratch her healing arm. Blood runs down her arm. She winces at the pain and grabs he arm, hanzo sees her weakened and goes in for the kill. Just before he reaches her McCree shoots him in the back. Hanzo turns towards McCree and sees the smoke coming from his gun. McCree stares at him still having his gun pointed and shoots him again but this time in his shoulder. Hanzo isn't phased by the bullets. He walks forward growling at him his claws get even sharper and harder into an almost metal like material. He starts to emit a red aura from his body. McCree shoots him again and again Hanzo jus keeps moving forward towards him Till he reaches him. McCree our of bullets and needing to reload anger at the tall demon before him make him toss his gun aside and tries to hit him with is mechanical arm. He lands the blow Hanzo smirks at him grabs his arm and ripped it off crushing it. Hanzo grabs the top of McCree's head and slams it into his knee repeatedly. Blood trickling down McCree's face and onto the floor as Hanzo stops to lift him up.]
Moria: *pulls her hands back* Thank you for buying me enough time to charge my beam I'll end it in a single blow with this my fishing move COALESCE.
McCree: *coughs up blood trying to speak* Damn Weeb
Moira: ......*stares at him with a blank face* are you sure you're in any position to make a sarcastic remark right now.
[Moira let's loose her beam it goes right through Hanzo's chest and hit him and McCree. Hanzo loosens his grip on McCree tossing him on the ground. Hanzo clenches his chest and kneels on the ground breathing heavily. Mean while McCree is still bleeding out on the ground.]
Moira: I don't understand why aren't you getting any healing? *looks down at her suite and discovered it has been broken* how unfortunate he must have damaged it earlier. No matter I can patch you up later in the mean time I got him right where I want him, if I drain some more of his life force hopefully he'll pass out and I can stabilize him.
[She moves closer towards him still draining his energy as she draws near Hanzo falls to the floor. She pulls out a syringe and goes to stick it in him. He suddenly grabs her ankle stands back up and slams her down, she coughed up blood just before passing out.]
Reaper: *opens the door to the training room and sees McCree and Moira on the ground covered in blood with a demon standing over them.* What the hell happened I don't know how you got in here but I'm gonna take you out. *Raises his shotguns and walks towards the demon but the feels a tug on his cape he looks down and sees McCree desperately holding on*
McCree: G-gabe.....please don't.... I..I still love him.
Reaper: *processes what he just said* That's Hanzo Shimada isn't.
McCree: *lets go and nods his head*
[He shoots at hanzo the bullets actually sink in a bit and burn him, he howls out in pain he charges at reaper and starts slashing at him repeatedly, Reaper easily dodges it by going into his wraith form. Hanzo stops to catch his breath, while reaper crosses his arms and sinks into the floor as remerging behind hanzo]
[Hanzo unable to keep up with his death blossom takes all the damage and falling to the floor leaving him unconscious his body slowly shifts back to is original state.]
Reaper:*walks towards the unconscious McCree* Looks like you still have a lot to learn kid even after all these years you still are a pain in the neck.
Genji: *puts away his sword* So it's true.
Reaper: When did you get here?
Genji: I snuck in moments after you defeated him, but that's besides the point you have been alive all this time, and here I thought McCree was going insane. Why...I don't understand what's endgame, what made you turn your back on the ones you loved?
Reaper: ......
Genji: ANSWER ME! *draws his sword back out*
Reaper: I have more reasons you couldn't even begin to understand, you and Jesse are to naive to understand why I did the things I did.
Genji: I think you at least owe it to Jesse to tell him the truth none of this would be happening right now if it weren't for you.
Reaper: *Stares at Genji then starts to walk away* you should grab them and go before I get back with the medical team for Moira.
I'll tell them y'all slipped away.
Genji:*clenches his fist* For Jesse's sake I hope you tell him what he wants to know next time you meet.
[Genji picks up McCree and drags Hanzo promptly leaving talons base. And joining the others in a cabin they found earlier.]
Genji: Master do you think you can patch these two up*drops them down on the ground.
Zenyatta: Of course but there's nothing I can do about the lost of his robotic arm.
Lynx: Don't worry I know a guy I can get him another one and here *hands zenyatta a device* it's so you can contact us when you need us to save your sorry asses again.
Zarya: We must go now our mission is complete I can finally return home. *she opens the closet door and sees rope on the floor and a hole cut through the back wall.* GOD DAMN IT!!! Come on Lynx we gotta go find her *Runs put the front door.*
Lynx: Until next time *He runs out after her*
Zenyatta: Fuckin smug prick.

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