Part 5 Damn Cowboy

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[Hanzo And McCree make the way to the mall. McCree notices a lot of people; mainly women staring at him. Two beautiful women around his age approached him and Hanzo.]
Women 1: *looks a bit nervous* Hello
McCree: Howdy
[Both of the women seem excited the warped there selfs around his arms.]
Women 2: It's not every day we meet a good looking American cowboy like your self.
McCree: Thankya you two aren't half bad ya selfs.
[They start giggling and blushing. They continue to flirt with him until Hanzo speaks up.]
Hanzo: I am sorry but we must really be on our way.
[The women look at Hanzo's piercing gaze small chill's run down their back.]
Women 1: Y-your one of the Shimada's aren't you
Hanzo: That is correct
[Both the women bow their heads and apologizes for interrupting,and quickly walk off.]
McCree: Thankya Hanzo I wasn't expecting you to speak up.
Hanzo: I just said what needed to be said.
McCree: Nah sounds more like you were a bit jealous.
Hanzo: why would I be jealous.
McCree:Because you like me
Hanzo: *gives McCree the stare of death* I can have you killed McCree.
McCree: *chuckles* I'll change that attitude of yours soon enough.
Hanzo: What's that supposed to mean?
McCree: Oh nothing don't think too much about it darlin.
McCree: So were we headed first?
Hanzo: Depends what type of clothes are you trying to wear.
McCree: Nothing to fancy maybe just some flannel collar shirts, t shirt, jeans and some sweatpants.
Hanzo: You're so basic
McCree: And what's wrong with that?
Hanzo: Nothing that's something I like about yo—*sees McCree smiling at him* never mind I take back what I said.
[Hanzo takes McCree to a couple of stores throughout the mall. After a bit of shopping around they stop at the food court for lunch. They sit at a near by table and place down there bags.]
Hanzo: McCree are you sure you don't need to try the clothes on sizes he can run rather small or large most of the time.
McCree: I'm a grown man I'm pretty sure I can tell if my clothes fit or not.
Hanzo: Fine no complaining later.
McCree: *glances past Hanzo and sees a store selling t shirts you can make.* I want to go there before we leave.
Hanzo: oh what are you going to put on your          t shirt?
McCree: That's a surprise.
Hanzo: just hurry so we can go home  already.
[The two leave and go back to Hanzo's house. As soon they get there McCree goes and changes his clothes.]
McCree: *in the other room getting dressed* DAMN IT!
Hanzo: *in the kitchen getting a drink*Stop shouting I told you to try it on before you bought it.
McCree: *comes in the kitchen grabs a carton of juice* these pants are to loose near the top.
[Hanzo Looks over at McCree. He crushes his cup and gets a minor nosebleed when he sees a bulge in McCree's pants.]

McCree: What is wrong with ya

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McCree: What is wrong with ya.
Hanzo: N-nothing
McCree: A broken cup and nosebleed Sure doesn't look like nothing.
Hanzo: *changes his gaze to something else and noticed his shirt* McCree why do you have that?
McCree: Because I think you should save a horse and ride this cowboy instead.
Hanzo: You're ridicules *glances back over and blushes*
McCree: What ever you say Hanzo just remember that you can straddle up any time. *winks and smiles at Hanzo.*
Hanzo: This is gonna be a long month with you I need a stronger drink.
McCree: me too ya got any whisky
Hanzo: I'm not a wimp like you I drink things harder than that.
McCree: Like What?
Hanzo: sake
McCree:That's it thats like a cup of juice.
Hanzo: I bet I could drink more than you.
McCree: Fine but I don't wanna hear ya crying after I beat you.
[Hanzo lines up 5 rows of drinks. One after another they each consume them. Once they finish there last drink Hanzo is still standard fine while McCree on the other hand is flat out drunk.]
Hanzo: Looks like I win cowboy.
McCree: hic I..I uhh gotta hic to say it your one hellava guy hansoap.
Hanzo: Yes yes I know now let's get yo together some water and a place to sit.
McCree: *grabs Hanzo's face* hansoap you won.
Hanzo: yes I won so please let go.
McCree: you win a kiss
Hanzo: Wait What !?
[Before Hanzo could pull away McCree kissed Hanzo on his lips.]
McCree: I like ya hansoap
Hanzo: McCree your drunk
McCree: Well can I have on kiss?
Hanzo: Damn cowboy lets get you into your bed.
McCree: I don't wanna.
Hanzo: Why not.
McCree: Because im tired
Hanzo:    ........ *lifts his hand up and knocks out McCree in on swoop* sorry I had to otherwise I would kill you.
[Hanzo drags McCree to the guest room puts him in bed. He puts enough pillows behind him so he's laying at an angle.]
Hanzo: There that should keep you from choking if you vomit.*goes to put the blanket over him and notice McCree has a boner* is this bigger than last time? I can't leave him like this can I?
[Hanzo decides to finish McCree off. He slowly strokes him up and down but to his surprise he came undone rather quickly. After cleaning up the mess he too heads to sleep.]

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