Part 19 The plan

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[The five of them take a walk to the place Lynx and Zarya is staying. They make there way in.]
Lynx: Sit down over there and don't touch anything.
Zenyatta : Wow I just love your hospitality and I thought walking in on a half naked mccree was bad.
Mccree: Could we please just think of a plan to rescue my hanzo.
Zarya: how did they get him in the first place
Mccree: They twisted my words and dug around my past to get dirt on me.
Lynx: Sounds like what we're doing to sombra.
Mccree: Wait how much do you have on her
Lynx: That's for us to know and for you to never find out without the right price.
Genji: So tell us what you can
Zarya: So here is their current base of operations. They won't be there long so we need to act on them tomorrow.
Lynx: Hopefully we can capture her by then
Mccree: Her? I thought this was gonna help get hanzo back!
Lynx: we need to capture sombra first because she has the place wired to the tee. If we want to move around freely we'll have to use these.

Zenyatta: How could you have one of these it literally goes against our code

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Zenyatta: How could you have one of these it literally goes against our code.
Lynx: I know but I had to get them .
Zenyatta: No you didn't this is against our very being.
Lynx: But it's for the great or good I know you're brother would have been against this. But if we can pull this off and completely stop this organization we have a greater chance at living freely.
Zenyatta: Pfft * he starts laughing*
Lynx: what are you laughing about
Zenyatta: My brother would have took this little stunt to a whole new level. In front of the media he's a saint but in reality he's a bigger ass hole than me.
Lynx: I find that hard to believe.
Mccree: What are you two going on about.
Zenyatta: Nothing don't worry about it it's an omnic thing you're literary incapable of understanding.

Zenyatta: Nothing don't worry about it it's an omnic thing you're literary incapable of understanding

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Lynx: Anyway so here is the plan......
[The 5 conspire and make a plan to stop Talon.
Meanwhile at the talon base.]
Moira: Mr. Shimada there are some irregularities in your blood.
Hanzo: When did you test my blood?
Moira: That's not important but what is are these blood cells I found there some sort of mutation.
Hanzo: Should I be concerned?
Moira: Maybe come with me well test this in one of the training rooms. *walks hanzo to a training room* okay staying right here and I'll see if I can bring out this mutation.
[Moira flashes a bright red light in hanzo's eyes as he blinks and opens his eyes back up there a little dilated.]
Hanzo: *very irritated* what the hell was that for!
Moira: I'm sorry that should have triggered it*looks up from her clipboard and over at hanzo* you're skin it's different and I can see slight increases in your hair length. Do you feel any different?
Hanzo: No I'm just annoyed I'm done with this I'll be going now!
Moira: Wait just a few more things.
[she grabs his shoulder and spins him around and to her surprise his eye are pure white his fingernails grow into claws and his skin turns blue with red markings as he starts to grow.]
Hanzo: You dare touch me you witch. You are forgiven this time now go fetch me a drink.
Moira: Magnificent I need to conduct more experiments. Could you——
Hanzo: *grabs her by the throat and chokes her* Didn't I ask for a drink and you completely ignored my order even after I forgave you for your insolence. I will not make the same mistake twice.

[Hanzo tightens his grip on her as she is struggling she flashes a blue light in his face

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[Hanzo tightens his grip on her as she is struggling she flashes a blue light in his face. He tosses her away from him covering his eyes as his demonic traits retract.]
Moira: *holding her throat and gasping for air* M..m
Hanzo: Moira are you okay I apologize I do not know what came over me.
Moira: MAGNIFICENT Mr. Shimada please allow me to study you further.
Hanzo: But what if I lose control once more.
Moira: I don't care it's fine these results are better than I'd hope for I was just expecting something to trigger your dragons but this, This is far more incredible. With this power you skills can increase drastically.
Hanzo: I do not wish to use this power it's not my own.
Moira: This is what talon really needs.
Hanzo: Even so I will have to decline the use of this unknown power.
Moira: Such a shame you have a unique gift that your taking for granted.
[Moira uses her life taking beam and drains enough energy to knock hanzo out. Once he's down on the ground she takes his body back to the lab where she straps him down to the medical bed.]
[1 hour later]
Hanzo: *wakes up and looks at his surroundings to notice he's  being held down* WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!
Moira: Ah you're awake sooner than I thought.
Hanzo: What are you going to do to me.
Moira: I got the go ahead from the boss to neutralize some of your emotions.
Hanzo: I command you to release me at once.
Moira: You still don't understand your position right now.  You opinion is disregarded when it comes to the great or good of the organization. So until you get that through your head well be controlling your every move from now on.
Hanzo: No *starts to struggle to get out*
Moira: Don't worry we'll put out that fiery spirit in no time.
[Moira pulls out an IV bag with a strange purple liquid she sticks the needle inside his arm letting it drain into hanzo.]
Hanzo: *in pain slowly losing consciousness a sing tear rolls down his cheek as he whispers* h-help me mccreee—......

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