Chapter 24: Birthday Surprise

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Author's pov

It's been 6 months since Taehyung had delivered Jimin's letter to Mrs. Park, it's been 6 months since Jimin had confessed.. Well not really confessed, but he accidentally admitted that he likes Jungkook.

On the other hand, Jungkook was bragging Taehyung about when is Jimin's birthday. The other who's completely done, gave up and told him that Jimin's birthday is on October 13.

"I have a plan hyung! I want to surprise him. This serves an apology for all those years of bullying." Jungkook cheered, smiling like an idiot to himself.

"Whatever, just spill it so I can study for the upcoming exam. Palli! Before Jimin cones home." The older whined, getting annoyed.

"Okay, here's my plan..." He told the olde his plan and squealed to himself like a high school girl. (a/n: I'm not gonna spill the surprise plan 😉)

"That's good, but.... Can you leave now? I'm studying you dipshit!" Jungkook only laughed after the older had kicked him out of his room.

"Might as well tell the other hyungs.. *squeal* I'm excited!" He jumped up and down in excitement, shouting 'woos' and 'ahh!' squealing all around.

"JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK!! CUT THAT SHIT, I'M TRYIN'NA STUDY PEACEFULLY!!" Taehyung yelled, scolding the younger.

"Whatever hyung! Buh bye!" He waved at no one mockingly.


"You'll do what? You mean- hmmph!" The eldest of the five males had his mouth covered with four hands.

"Can't you be a little quiet, hyung? Someone might hear us." Yoongi scolded the eldest. Yep, Yoongi and Hoseok are now part of the family.. Don't ask for the details because I'm lazy..(a/n: hi lazy☺)

"Sorry.. But that's so sweet that I can't help myself!!" He squealed, hitting his boyfriend. He's his emotion punching bag. Whatever the eldest feels, he would hit Namjoon. That's what Namjin does.

"Calm your tits hyung. It's still a week away. We still have time to prepare." Hoseok said.

"Omg I can't! Joonie, I can't breath. It's too sweet for me! Ahhh!!" He squealed. (a/n: nomu dalkomhae~ nomu dalkomhae~ nomu dalkomhaeseo~! Peace yow)

After what seem like hours of discussing and Jin who's all hosterical, over reacting, fangirl- I mean fanboying on how Jungkook is so sweet to think of surprising Jimin and Jin complaining why can't Namjoon be like Jungkook. Well it's simple.. Namjoon is Namjoon..

"Can you two stop bickering over nothing?" The youngest of them interrupted the couple.

"How dare you call this matter nothing, Jeon Jungkook. We're your second parents, how could you?" Jin dramatically placed a hand over his chest feeling hurt. The other three rolled their eyes at the eldest.

"Is he on his period on something?" Yoongi asked Namjoon.

"As if he has even a single ovary. It's just called.. 'he hadn't take his daily dosage of his medicine' period." Namjoon nodded his head slowly, closing his eyes in process.

"Can't you not talk about period!! I had a trauma because of it! My sister once threw a napkin with blood on my face, so don't even talk about period when I'm around." Hoseok warned. The other four are now scared.


"Tae." Jimin called. They were currently studying when Jimin had spaced out and now calling for his best friend's name who's beside him.

"Hmm?" He hummed, not sparing his best friend even a single glance.

"Tae." He called again, annoying the other.

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