Chapter 7: Stolen Kisses

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Jungkook's pov

"Jeon fucking Jungkook!" We looked at Jimin, who slammed the classroom door open. He's on fire! Damn that outfit!

"Oh you scared me." The8 placed a hand over his chest.

"What do you want?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I think he's gotten into it because he looks so done.

"What I want? You're asking me what I want?! What are those pictures, huh?! I know it's you who did it!" He walked over to me, you can see his anger grew more.

"What are you talking about? What pictures?" I raised my eyebrows, looking down at him emotionless. *snorts* I look like fool.

"Oh shut up! I know it's you! Don't play dumb!" He pointed at my chest.

"Hey hey. How dare you talk to him like that, huh?" Jaehyun stood up, but I gestured him not to join in.

"Don't you dare join in. I'm not talking to you so shut up." He glared at him, tears still rolling down his puffy and chubby cheeks.

"What exactly do you want? For me to suffer? Huh?! Tell me!" He screamed hitting my chest. I held both of his wrist to stop him but he yanked them away hitting me again and again. I'll just let him.. After all the humiliation.. it's not enough

"Guys, leave us alone." I my friends to leave. They all walked out of the room, but not before locking it.

"Why are you so mean? I didn't do anything t-to you. You were the o-one who's bothering me." He cried and sniffled as he continue to hit my chest. His hits are getting weaker and weaker.

"Because you deserve it. You're a nerd, a fat nerd." I dissed.

"Why can't you just let me be?! Does my existence bothers you?! You could just ignore me just like others! Why bother to bully me?" He asked hitting me again.

"Because it's fun seeing you suffer." I chuckled evily. I felt guilty by my own statement. But why?

"You son of a bitch! Die!" He hit me harder, but I just gripped on his wrists tightly. I looked at him guiltily.

"I'm already broken! Why are you still breaking me?! Just.. Why?" He sobbed as I felt himself getting weaker and weaker. I didn't even feel his head fell on my chest.

"I can't anymore.*muffled sob* I'm tired, please. Just let me be. Don't bother anymore. I'm already broken." He pleaded while crying. Broken? Are you really?

"You always make fun of me, bully me, humiliate and embarrass me. Aren't you tired? Because I'm already tired!" He say as he pulled back and slapped me.

"That's for bullying me!" He screamed.


"That's for humiliating me!"


"That's for breaking my heart more."


"That's for ruining my life and my day by telling everyone false rumours!"


"And that's... just wanted to slap that pretty- mmph!"

I had enough! He can't stop blabbing and crying! Ugh why do I feel so guilty? Just why?

I kissed him just to shut him.

He gasp and his eyes widen. I took this chance to slip my tongue inside his hot mouth, tasting every inch of his hot cavern. It tastes so sweet and I can't get enough of it. So I deepened the kiss by pulling him by the nape and his hip. Our chest collided. This kiss is probably the best and the tastiest.

Beautiful Pain [Jikook] (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now