"I was going with her! She told me to come! I was going to be happy, but you ruined it." Kellin yelled as he stormed over to us.

"Kellin, calm down." Vic told him.

"No! Why don't you just leave me alone?" He snatched his phone from Vic and walked away.

"Kellin, come back." Vic chased after him.

"No! I hate you. I was right, you are just trying to make me forget her." He yelled in his face as he went up the stairs.

Vic didn't chase after him, he just stood there. I felt bad for him, he was trying so hard to please Kellin. I went over to touch his shoulder, he moved away. He went to the couch and grabbed his keys, he ran into the kitchen for Mike.

**Vic's P.O.V.**

I need to get away now. I went to the kitchen to get Mike, he was eating. He looked at me concerned and saw I was on the verge of tears. He didn't need me to say anything he got up and walked to the car. My followed behind him, ignoring Tyler who was calling my name.

"Where are we going?" Mike asked when we got in the car.

"We're going to see the guys, I need some space." I told him as I backed out the driveway.

He was excited to go and see them. He hadn't played the drums since he was in 8th grade. It didn't take us very long to get there. When we pulled into the driveway, they walked out again, to greet me.

"Vic!" Jonny called out.

"Hey guys." I said as I stepped out the car. "This is my baby brother Mike."

"Our drummer, nice to meet you." Craig walked over and shook his hand.

"Hi." He shyly replied.

"You think you're okay enough to play?" Jonny asked looking at him as he limped.

"Ohh, I'm never unable to play the drums." Mike laughed.

"Well come on and show us what you got." Craig wrapped his arm around Mike's shoulders and pulled him to the house.

While they set up the drum set, I talked to Craig.

"I'm surprised that you guys are woke this early." I told him.

"Yeah, we like to get head starts. We usually wake up at 6 or 7, mostly 7." He shrugged.

"Wow, that is an early start." I usually got up at 11 when I didn't have school.

"Yeah, we mostly just work on songs and play some." He explained.

"Nice." I commented.

"You guys ready?" Mike asked, catching our attention.

"Give it to them Mikey boy." They're faces turned to me and back to Mike. They were eager.

Mike started to play bits and pieces from songs, then material of his own. Craig and Jonny were in pure shock. Mike grinned at the looks on their faces. He started to laugh and messed up, so he quit.

"What do you guys think?" Mike asked.

"Looks like we're going on a fucking tour!" Jonny screamed. He jumped up and high-fived Mike and I.

"This is awesome." Mike screamed.

"Let's practice, since we've finally got all the members we need." Craig cheered.

"Wait, I'll call Nick." Jonny left the room and called him.

"This is awesome. We can even try to move the meeting with the record company up." Craig suggested.

"That'll be great. We can reschedule it for next week." I offered.

"Really? Wait, that means you guys are going to stay in the band." I nodded. He ran over and hugged me.

"This is going to be great. Wait until the guys hears about this." Mike said.

That ruined the mood for me, my excitement drained. I didn't want to think about Kellin, but now I wasn't going to see him hardly. Mike apologized and I shrugged it off, maybe it was for the best that this happened.

"Nick's on his way. Let's work on some songs." Jonny said when he came back.

The rest of the afternoon we practiced songs and fixed them. I even got a part in all 3 of them. Mike enjoyed drumming, he finally was happy. I had fun with the guys too, but it all had to end.

"It's getting late, I think we should go." I told them.

"Okay, well same time tomorrow?" Craig asked.

"Yeah. Most definitely." Mike said as he followed behind me.

"Wait, before you go, Mike can me and Nick show you something on the drums?" Craig asked.

He nodded. "I'll be back."

"No problem." I was left alone in the room with Jonny.

"Thanks for joining the band. You guys are life savers." He stood up and came towards me.

"It's no problem. We love that you guys let us join." I smiled.

"I like your eyes." He told me as he reached up and moved the hair from my eyes.

"Thanks." I felt myself blush.

"You're welcome." He said as he stared into my eyes.

What happened next, I couldn't stop. He leaned in and kissed me. I didn't want to kiss back until his body pushed me back onto the wall. I moaned with pleasure and kissed back. He laughed and began to kiss me roughly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he put his around my waist.

That wasn't where I wanted them. I took his hands and put them in my hair and made him pull it. It made me moan more. He pulled back and looked at me questioningly.

"Kinky?" He asked.

"Masochist." I replied.

"Oh, this ought to be fun then." He smiled and we went back to kissing. He bit my lip and I moaned louder. He started to trail down my jaw and down to my neck. We heard footsteps and voices coming, he pulled away and I moved to the side. Mike, Nick, and Craig came in from the garage and looked at us.

"Everything okay?" Craig asked.

"Yeah. Uh, you ready to go Mike?" I tried to change the subject.

"Yeah." He walked cautiously over to me.

We said our goodbyes and left the house. When we got into the car, I mentally cursed myself. I wanted more of Jonny, but now I had to go back to the same house as Kellin.

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now