10-Mute, Deaf and Blind.

Start from the beginning

Twinkling she glances down at her wrists. He left a pitiful red mark on her wrist. Jaanvi isn't sure how to react to this. Skimming her finger over her soft wrists she shrills in pain.

He was never short-tempered then what happened? She thought remembering he was incensed.

"Hey." Jaanvi focuses her eyes up at Aditi standing in front of her with grim expressions. "I called you like five times. Where's your phone?"

She gave her a vague look before looking at her phone. It was on silent. "Oh, sorry. It was on silent. I-i-I w-was w-working—" her voice was cracking as if she was lying.

"What's wrong?" Aditi asks leaning on the front desk looking at her best friend in concern. "Are you okay?"

Jaanvi had a problem with temper and everyone was aware of that. Throwing the papers—beside her computer mouse—on the floor in aggrieve she storms out of the café. Jaanvi needs air, fresh air. Some personal time to think over everything. Aditi follows her like a lost puppy with a benevolent attitude to fix whatever was wrong.

"Jaanvi?" Aditi places her hand on her friend's tensed shoulder. Her muscles were straight and hard—unmoving as if the blood circulation has stopped.

"It's annoying." She is ambivalent with everything around her. Holding her head in her hands she groans. "I always wanted to make dad happy, to pay back for his love somehow. And I did, I did Aditi. I accepted Kiaan's proposal. I got the chance and I took it. I made mummy, dad and even his mom happy but I'm not happy. I—I hate this feeling. One moment I'm extremely happy realizing I've made others happy, the next I'm just—" Her voice fades away.

She turns to her friend. "I'm in a big mess Adi. How can I marry someone I hate? I hate him since that school incident. He ruined everything, I hate it. I hate him then why do I like it when he calls me Ariel? When he calls me stubborn cat? Shouldn't I hate it? Why am I having mixed emotions? Mixed feelings? H-he h-has anger issues. His mom told me, I even faced it. H-how can I handle him when I, myself flip every two seconds? W-we'll murder each other. I-I want to run. B-but I can't, n-not l-leaving dad all alone."

She burst into fresh warm salty tears. It was rare seeing Jaanvi cry. She hardly cried in front of people, even if it was her father or best friend. She was a keeper, exactly like her father.

"Hey," Aditi whispers sensibly with a gentle comforting tone. She wraps her small arms perfectly around Jaanvi's depressing body. Aditi couldn't see her so helpless, and neither was she familiar seeing her Jaanvi crying.

"Everything will be fine, sh." Aditi kisses her head. "Trust me, uncle loves you more than himself. He won't push you into a burning lava. Who doesn't have anger issues Jaanvi? You do as well, yet you have friends, family, an awesome busy business. This is bizarre and I have no right to say this but I—I just," She pauses and stares into the distance, scrambling through her brain and tongue to frame her opinions courteously to her emotionally unstable friend.

"I feel he's perfect for you. I've been hearing about Kiaan from you for years, I don't think you ever hated him." Her whisper confuses Jaanvi. Pulling away she stares at Aditi.

"The way you talked about him, described his face, his nature. It showed how much you noticed his habits, his behaviour—his personality. Nobody knows their enemy this well, I never said this because I was afraid to piss you off b—but I think you've liked him ever since you were fifteen. Ever since he left and you realised how much he meant to you. You're just hurt because of his actions but you don't hate him. You feel you do but you don't. I think, if you're not right for each other, this marriage would never take place. But if you're meant to be, you can't do anything to stop it." She passed her friend a small weak smile. As if to encourage Jaanvi to look into the brighter side.

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