You Get Hurt (Minho)

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"Go on then, go do them. I'll tell you how the greenie holds up tonight, okay?" I say patting his chest once while laughing. 

"Okay." He laughs before walking off. I giggle and shake my head before heading over to the two boys.

"Hey (Y/N)." Thomas smiled. 

"Hey." I smile back. Minho smiles and snakes an arm around my waist and I resist rolling my eyes and just smirk. He was so over protective.

"Okay are you guys ready to go?" I ask and they both nod. 

"Thomas today we're just going to show you around, is that cool?" I question and he nods. 

"Cool, lets go then." I instruct and Minho grins. 

"What?" I ask. "You're just so hot when you're bossy." He laughs and I scowl and move to push him when he turns on his heel and dashes through the doors into the maze. 

"Hey!" I shout giggling slightly before running after him, Thomas following behind you.

The three of us run for a while until we reach a small clearing. The three of us stop for a break but Minho and I don't really need it. I was barely out of breath, considering I did this everyday. Thomas however was gasping for air like a fish, I understood though, I was the same on my first couple of runs.

"You better get used to that greenie." I smirked as I watched him in amusement. I scan the clearing and furrow my eyebrows when I see area 3 is open. 

"Minho look." I murmur and he follows my gaze. 

"Why is area 3 open?" He questions. 

"I don't know." I whisper.

"I'll go take a look." I say. 

"I'll come with you." Minho says almost immediately but I shake my head. 

"No, you need to show Thomas around, get him familiar to his surroundings." I explain and he sighs. 

"Well then I'll go and you show Thomas around." He offers.

"I've been running this maze almost as long as you have, I know how it works inside and out just like you." I say folding my arms. 

"Besides I'm pretty sure that makes me in charge of you just as much you are in charge of me." I grin and he rolls his eyes knowing he won't get you to change your mind.

"Fine but if you aren't back in a few hours I'm coming to look for you." He says firmly and I smile nodding at him. 

"Don't do anything stupid." He warns. "You too, take care of the greenie." I reply. He smiles and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Be safe." He mumbles. 

"I will." I whisper, kissing him one more time before sprinting off. He sighs watching after you worriedly before turning away.

I ran through sector 3 until my breathing was heavy and short. I was so confused, the route was the exact same. Nothing had changed. It had just opened a week early. 

I sighed and looked up at the sky knowing I should start heading back around now, not wanting to get stuck in here overnight. I began to jog back towards the Glade, I had just reached the center of the maze when I heard a loud clicking kind of noise.

 I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I walked through the large blades, suddenly the blades started to shut. 

"Shuck." I whisper once I realize it's cutting off my path to getting back to the Glade. I immediately begin sprinting towards the open panels but they were always one step ahead of me. 

Maze Runner ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang