26.2K 484 58


Words cannot describe the amount of happiness I have right now. The fact that I've hit this milestone absolutely amazes me. Climax King has always been my favorite thing to write, and I'm so happy I got to share this with so many of you. Imve read every single one of your comments and I'm not even lying about that, and I've stalked every single one of your profiles because I can and I love all of you so much. Don't feel creeped out, or do I don't give a shit you're all amazing people.

I feel like I created a safe space for not only myself, but for all of you. You all know about Cedric, about all these events that took place in my life and I've been able to be open about it. And I'm so happy that the feeling is mutual. The fact that you guys can come to me for anything and you can feel comfortable, makes me feel like I've done something worth it. I want to thank you all for everything and more. I wouldn't be the person I am if it wasn't for this amazing opportunity to publish something I did for a hobby and turn it into a potential career. 1 million is a high number and I can't believe we actually made it. There isn't much I can give you all in thanks for this, but I will say that I could never imagine making it this far just because I write mediocre porn. So, thank you all and I can't believe the day has finally came. I love you all and I love our little family, and I can't wait to keep growing.

(Yes, that's my real name)

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