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"Mom! I'm leaving!" I call throughout the house as I grab my belongings to depart.

There was a thudding noise, probably from the stairs, before my mother and Ash make their grand, or not so grand, appearances with staggered breathing. I had wondered what the commotion had been but I was focused more on where I'd be spending the rest of my evening.

"Where?" Mom asks with large pants in her breath.

I check the time on my phone, realizing I'd gotten ready earlier than necessary. Sue me for wanting to spend every waking moment with the Climax King. Oh if he knew what I called him, he'd be way too cocky even for me.

"Out? Do you need something?" I ask, taking in the time I have before actually needing to leave and be in the South Side by the arranged time.

She shakes her head and glances down to Ash who had a very monotone look. "Are you going out with Teddy?" He asks, his looks radiating on his voice as well.

I feel the heat rise in my cheeks. No one was really aware of Finn and I. Actually, I don't think anyone had much of a catch besides Orie and Ken who seemed to be taking their decided news fairly well. But in time I'd tell them.

"Erm, no," I sputter our, causing both Ash and my mother to look at me confusedly, "Teddy dumped me, the other night. It was mutual so I'm not sad about it or anything, I'm just going over to Finn's for a couple hours. If that's okay?"

Ash's face lights up at the mere mention of the brunette who stole my heart among many other things. Like my dignity.

"Finn? You're seeing Finn again? Oh, Mena! Can he come over, please, please, please!" He begs, running down the stairs and collapsing into my arms as he pleads like an innocent human.

I sigh, running a hand through his hair. I was about to reject said questions, but my father chimes in from the living room. "Yes, Ashling! Of course he can. A friend of Philly's is a friend of ours. Have him over for dinner. I'd like to meet this young boy if he's who you went to see the other night."

I sigh in defeat. If there was one thing my parents were good at, it was definitely negotiating deals. They couldn't take no for an answer even if they tried. It's what all business men and women alike are ideally the best at.

"I don't know if he'll be up for it, but I guess I'll call," I groan, gathering my belongings and heading up the stairs with a childish pout.

Once securely in my room, I lock the door in case Ash decides to run in and listen in on our conversation.

The phone rings in my ear and I fall back onto my bed with a humph.

Finn answers, but I don't bother to allow him to speak, "Change of plans. My parents want to meet you and Ash really wants to see you. I know that's a really shitty first date but I'm not skilled enough to jump out my window and I'd probably break a bone and although my insurance covers that, I wouldn't break a bone for you. Maybe like a scrape. Yeah, I'd get a scrape from you. Broken bones on the other hand-"

He cuts me off due to my rambling with his soft voice, "Hey, it's fine, Mena. I want to meet them. It'll be fun. Plus, I can thank them."

My eyebrows furrow awkwardly and it was clear he could sense that, "Thank them? For what?"

He laughs, the sound of his shower starting only magnifying against the tiles of his bathroom. "Oh there is a list of things. For letting me steal their food, for buying your hat comfortable bed that I love curling up in with you under me, that chair in the corner of your room, the mentality to be incapable of climaxing, the-"

"Okay, shut up. If you bring any of that up tonight, I will personally dismember you," I threaten truthfully. My parents could be strict when necessary and I don't think telling them that for countless nights I was being fucked shitless would really flow over too easily.

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