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"I don't wanna," I groan, covering my head with soft comforter.

Finn lets out a breathy chuckle as he lifts himself from the bed. It wasn't until the sound of curtains being drawn that I remembered where I was.

I open my eyes and I'm immediately blinded by the sun peeking through the now open curtains.

"I hate you," I mumble tiredly, giving in to the disgusting feeling of being awake in the morning. Different country or not, I'll never be a morning person.

"You've wounded me, Mean Mena. Truly, you've broken my heart," he gasps, covering his chest with his hand.

I snort unattractively, not even caring this early in the morning. "Your big ass ego will make it all better," I scoff.

I feel the bed dip down slightly and the next thing I know, Finn was dealing an arm around my torso. I feel his cold lips press against my shoulder blade before trailing lightly up to my ear.

"Take that back," he whispers so softly that I almost didn't hear.

Despite my carelessness for anything at the moment, morning breath was not something I would curse anyone with. I guess I can be nice. Sometimes.

I groan, keeping my face buried in the pillow so I don't scare him away. If I were him, I'd have just left me at the airport. But that's person opinion I suppose.

Whatever he had planned this morning was soon interrupted by a soft knock at the door. He removes himself from the bed and that gives me just enough time to nearly fall asleep again.

There was muffled talking and then the sound of the door shutting before Finn's soft footsteps walk across the wood floors of the room.

"If you don't get up, I'm going to eat all of this food by myself," He taunts maliciously as the sweet delight of food travels through the room. That or I'm hallucinating because of the lack of food I've had in the past 24 hours.

"You had me at eat," I say, finally sitting up and allowing my eyes to adjust to the lighting.

It was a bright morning with birds softly chirping outside. It felt like a scene from a movie.

I looked to see Finn leaned against the open door separating our rooms.


"What was that Mena?" Finn asks with a bit of cockiness in his voice.

I roll my eyes as I realize that I managed to speak my thoughts instead of truly think them. But seriously, damn. His sweatpants were dangerously low, giving his v-line a risky definition. His body could make every inch of you melt in the middle of January.

"Are you hungry?" He finally asks while I openly check him out. Something about being away from home was making me excruciatingly obvious to the finer details. Probably because he was the only familiar thing here.

"Yes," I say all too quickly, making him smirk deviantly.

"Well, I hate to tell you, but your food is going to get cold and I need a shower," he points to me as if this was a demand he had given me.

"You got one last night?" I raise my eyebrow in curiosity of what his sudden urge was although I'm pretty sure I know already.

He smirks, stepping back into his room, "Last night was a little warm, don't you think?" He winks before latching shut the door and the sound of him locking it echoes between our rooms.

What a fucking tease.


I did manage to eat and get completely ready within the time it took for Finn to finish his cold shower and return to my room. I was finishing a text to Orie when he walked in.

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