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By the time I arrived in South Side, I had already devised a million plans on how to execute my disappearance. It was already midnight, but the buzz of irrational decisions could surely be done soon so why make rash decisions?. I'm almost positive I could find another way to take out all this clear behavioral issues. Siri probably knows of some piercing or tattoo locations nearby. I could always get 'Open For Business' on my lower abdomen. Maybe get a nipple piercing? Shave off all my hair? Drop off the face of the earth? All those decisions sound good right about now as I turn into the basement parking.

I fiddle my thumbs as soft music plays delicately in the background. Okay, One Direction was blasting to keep my thoughts away from Finn although it wasn't working in the slightest.

After an audible debate with myself that could easily put me into a mental institution, I buck up and get out of my Jeep. It fit right in with the other well out of price cars. But I wasn't going to complain seeing as my options were limited for my 16th birthday. Your parents can only do so much from across the seas. But this isn't the time to dwell on a pitiful story that could ultimately make me rethink this entire phase I'm morphing through.

It was late and no one stood at the door like my last appearance, but I think that was for the best. One can only imagine how many girls Finn Quinton has brought home.

Oh shit. What if he has some brunette beauty or blonde bimbo doing unspeakable things in the confinement of his apartment? Clearly I need to rethink this plan, but I can't now. The elavator doors are closing, I'm trapped in a whirlpool of words that could possibly come out once I reach the final floor.

The ride was meant to be soothing with soft jazz music building up the suspense of the evening. Damn rich people and their impeccable taste in fine instrumentals but instead this lift has been anxious and confusing. What was I going to say? What was I going to do? I looked like I just rolled out of a McDonald's drive thru after being hit by a semi at full speed.

But I have no choice. It's either book it for the stairs at the end of the hallway and say goodbye to my lungs, or await the elevator to come back up here seeing as my body moved before my mind could catch up.

The only thing separating Finn Quinton and I now, was a door and some thick walls. Probably convenient seeing as his Casanova status is only uplifting to the mood. Note the sarcasm.

It was like my hand had a dramatic spasm as I knocked furiously on his door. For being such an exquisite building, you'd think there were doorbells. Or I'm just missing it but right now, pounding sounded good.

I was near to giving up, I mean what would he be doing up at this hour anyways? But then the unthinkable happened. Or the thinkable seeing as I just disrupted his beauty sleep. But the door opens.

The lights were on inside his modern apartment, and his body never looked so good in contrast with the wide windows showcasing the midnight right behind him. Riding low on his waist were his infamous joggers that always seemed to be on him at the best of worst times. I couldn't help my wandering eyes as his hands rub his own before widening at the sight of me.

Before he could speak, I gave in. I forced my lips onto his own, quickly melting into the familiarity of the situation.

Finn, was frozen. He wasn't delaying any response like I hoped. Hell, he wasn't even touching me. But when I finally decide this was a bust, his arms wrap tightly around my thighs and he's lifting me into the air. Everything happened so fast and before I knew it, I was pressed against the inside of his apartment. I don't even remember feeling him make his way inside, or the sound of his door closing, but all that mattered was that we wanted each other more than anything.

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