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I twist in my bed, expecting to find another body filling the void that is ruffled sheets. But I find emptiness, complete air. What could I truly expect? I wouldn't have even stuck around this long but waking up with Finn beside me had made this place feel safer. I felt protected in his arms. He probably just had mob business or something. That or he realized he actually hated me and decided to ditch me. Which I guess, fuck you.

I push my naked body from my bed. My room was still dark despite the brightness emitting throughout my bedroom. It was a nice Saturday morning, finally, but I guess it just means another uneventful day full of wondering and curiosity about Finn seeing as that is all I can ever do.

I grab a random sweater off my floor and slip it over my body so I could feel slightly better about walking around. You never know what kind of pervs sneak in and attempt to tackle you butt naked. I for one, will not go that way. I want to at least have a shirt on. Have some decency, you know?

I walk to my dresser and pull on a fresh pair of panties before tossing my hair up into look bun with stray sex bed hairs straying from the updo. Not that I could care less about my appearance. I have no one to impress.

My floors looked so bare without Finn's clothes scattered around, which sounded odd considering he'd only stayed for like a day but still. I couldn't stand the feeling in my gut telling me this was all my fault. How could it not be? I nearly let him go last night. I'm a fool.

I let out a frustrated sigh and push on my old glasses. I had no intentions of touching my eyeballs, or anywhere that might get rid of the lingering feeling of Finn's skilled hand touching every square inch of me, pressing small love bites all over, oh what I'd do to go back in time and just tell him straight up how I felt. Not that I'd ever have the balls for that.

My home was silent, close to vacancy despite my own body. I searched the living room, hoping to find him but I had no luck. The kitchen neither. I even looked outside but his car was gone. So he left me naked and alone. How gentlemanlike.

I start the keurig in hopes of getting at least a decent morning with some fresh coffee. I had nothing better to do and I had no intentions of checking my phone because I knew damn well it would just be texts from Callan and probably Ken wondering what the hell had be so occupied last night. Although I'm sure Ken had an idea. Callan, not so much.

My thoughts started to wonder as I watch the warm liquid fill my mug. I hear the latch of the door turn, making me quickly shift on my foot to see the intruder. There were ruffling bags and the sound of a soft grunt as the front door closed with a bit of a thud.

"Well, morning to you too," I laugh, relief filling me entirely.

Finn smiles, small dimples showing on his features. Funny, I didn't even know they existed. And I thought I knew everything about this boy's features. "I was hoping it wouldn't take long. I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but you literally had no food Mena. How the fuck do you survive?" He asks, unpacking the various bags.

I open the fridge curiously and pull out a container of sour cream, the only thing in there. It seemed like my parents really cleaned this out when they were visiting for the short while they had been here.

"Sure I do. See, I have sour cream.. that expired two months ago. Eh. The dates are just suggestions anyways," I shrug nonchalantly, putting the container back in the fridge. I'm disgusting, yes I know. You're all guilty of it.

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