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I hadn't seen much of Finn today, which was better than having to see him in general. Sunday would be enough for me, and even two times a week seemed excessive. I was sitting with Josh at lunch when he leaned over and pressed a soft peck to my cheek. I feel my face heat up at the simplest action, before he retreats back to his friends.

"Hey, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but you never filled me in on what happened last night." Kennedy whispers softly, making sure the jocks surrounding our table weren't eavesdropping on our conversation. Not that they would, but it still was a possibility.

I eye Josh who was laughing about something with his friends, before I lean closely to Kennedy and shrug my shoulders. "It wasn't anything special. We talked."

She glances over to Josh who was smiling to me with a sweet and innocent look locked on his face. "He didn't try anything? Mena, he's literally got a reputation for taking advantage of freshman."

I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. That was try, but they were strictly allegations and although I had already deemed Finn as the person to help me through my rough patch due to his reputation, I wasn't about to let myself believe the many lies and rumors that filled these hormonal halls.

"I know. But the most contact we made was him caressing the hell out of my neck." I say truthfully just below a whisper.

Her eyes widen, as though he was some sort of vampire who was prepping me for his meal or something. Which wasn't true. I hope. "You can't touch him and he can't touch you. I swear, Philomena, I don't tolerate cheating and if I catch you do it so help me God-"

"What are you cheating on, Philly?" A good friend of Josh's, Gabriel says with a playful smile.

I clear my throat, scooting closer to Josh who was eyeing me curiously. "We have a test coming up and I don't want to study. Kenny here doesn't like the thought of me cheating." I smile over at my best friend, hoping she keeps it under wraps. Even though I know she will.

She smiles, not necessarily liking the attention brought into her. "It's not fair to those of us who actually take our time to study. It's not always about the final outcome, but how much effort you really put in."

Was this a blow at me? Most definitely. But I refuse to ignore it as the day proceeds and finally comes to a winding end.

By Saturday night I had already been too tired to move out of my bed. Josh was yet to come over for our less than average sex, and I was yet to actually get dressed. I paused the show I had playing in my room and get up to finally change out of my grungy clothes. I put on a pair of pajama shorts, not caring enough to really look like a million bucks for him, but at least enough effort to the point where I still felt confident around him. I put on a sports bra as well, covering the entire outfit with an oversized cropped hoodie that still showed my pierced belly button. It felt like ages before Josh showed up with cheese pizza in his hands. I pressed a soft peck on his lips, letting him into my home and allowing the pizza to fill the fresh air that covered each space of the house.

"Smells delicious." I smile, grabbing plates from the cabinets. He nods his head, shoving his phone into his pocket before giving me his full undivided attention.

"Only the best for my girl." He winks adorably, taking the plate I handed him so he could place a slice of pizza onto the plastic.

With my parents out so much and my pure hatred for dishes, I'd learned to just use the paper plates we'd always had for small family gatherings or barbecues during the summer when my parent's booming business wasn't so active. But year round I'd been left at him by myself and having to post mates everything and use a secure card for any groceries or meals that were entirely necessary.

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