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"Despite our differences, I say we call a truce!" I snicker as I raise my hands in pure defense.

Orie's eyebrow raise as she lowers the French Fry she was preparing to throw at my face. "Fine, fine. But only because table seven is looking at us funny," she sighs, drawing my attention to the table where older men and women are seated for their Sunday brunch.

While Finn was working back in the kitchen, Orie and I decided to go out to lunch. It was pretty easy to convince her considering the request included the best food in the North Side.

"So, how is life?" She asks, dipping her fry into ranch dressing, which was disgusting in my opinion.

I scrunch my nose as she places the food into her mouth, "Can't complain. Like at all. For the first time in forever. You?"

She shrugs her shoulders lightly before her eyes widen dramatically. The stunned look on her face made me curious, so I amage to twist my body into a weird formation to face the door.

Our seating was actually in the front corner for once and because of my slight fear of eating in front of people, I took the seat facing the wall that Orie's was attached to.

"Well damn. Did she get lip injections?" I whisper to Orie once I turn my gaze away from Georgie who I hadn't seen since the summer festival a couple weeks ago.

She shrugs, grabbing another fry from my plate. I guess a truce included giving up some of my fries. Not that I could eat them all even if I tried. I'm pretty sure Finn added on the extras. Actually, I'm 100% positive he did.

I let the matter go seeing as I had no reason to dwell on her appearance. Although I had no doubt that she was only here because of Finn. I'm sure the more fancier dining locations in the South Side are more appealing to her Barbie brand. Damn. Have I ever mentioned I despise her? Well, I do.

"Not to alarm you, but walking, talking Barbie is headed our way," Orie whispers gently, making me fix my posture for some unknown reason. I have nothing to prove to her. Nothing at all.

She clears her throat, which is seriously the most disgusting sound out there. All that groggy-I can't even finish that sentence.

"Oh! Georgie! What a pleasure!" I dramatically exclaim, making her roll her eyes at my way too perky statement. It wasn't my pleasure thanks for asking.

"Haven't seen you two in a while. It's just been too long honestly," she smirks deviously at me. Fucking Satan. Okay, sorry. That was an insult to Satan. Fucking dirt.

I force the fakest smile I think any human could possibly conjur on command. Seriously, that's some witchcraft shit. I'm coming for you Charmed.

"I don't know. I don't think it's been long enough. What can we help you with?" Orie asks defensively making me smile over to my best friend.

She shrugs, pointing to the kitchen entrance. "Just waiting for Finny to get off work. Only a couple more minutes and we're going to the movies," she smirks down at me.

Now that's a load of bullshit considering Finn doesn't get off for a couple hours and even then he's coming over to play with Ash.

Ever since dinner, Ashling was more hostile towards me. I figured a surprise visit with my loving boyfriend could fix things. At least I hope so. Losing Ashling is more of a heartbreak than Finn Quinton. And that says a lot.

Orie glances to me to see how I feel about her lie, and I was completely okay with it. Finn and I would tell people whenever it comes up. At least that's what I thought.

"Oh, shoot. I totally forgot, Mena. You and him had some sort of fling, right? How does it feel to know I wake up with him every morning after he fucks me shitless?"

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