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The Colosseum was absolutely astonishing. It was sight that I thought would bore me, but the architecture was so intriguing that I couldn't peel my eyes away. Maybe it wasn't interesting as it seemed, but to see the past of what was, could be something I easily delved into.

"You still there, Mena?" Finn asks with humor laced in his voice. I turn to him with a bright smile before realizing I'd been playing with the minimalistic necklace I had around my neck.

It came to a surprise to me that he had even bought me anything. This whole trip was his idea, but I felt bad about him spending money on me. I know he has it, but it wouldn't be right of me to ask him for anything besides his love. I would never take advantage of him just because what's in his bank account.

"Yeah, Sorry. I just love this," I reply sheepishly and carefully push my body closer to his. I didn't have to be ashamed for wanting to have every inch of my flesh in contact with his body. It was normal for someone in love to need the touch of their significant other. Not that I need to explain myself.

"I can tell. You sure you want to go into business?" He jokes, "Architecture might be a fantastic career for you."

I knew he was joking. But the thought did cross my mind months back. But I knew that my family wouldn't want me to be anything other than a young business woman who followed in her parents footsteps. Maybe they wouldn't care, but I've let them down before that I know better than to attempt it again.

I don't respond, but get too carried away at the sight again.

Walking through the crowds of people was definitely overwhelming, especially knowing that I was over seas and had no straight passage to the comfort of my bed. But the sights surrounding me sent this wave of relief. Like I was safe with Finn and all these cultured people surrounding me even though I had no clue who anyone was.

I look up to Finn and I can't help but smile. He'd let himself let go around me and was showing me the vulnerable side of him. When you look at Finn Quinton, you see this attractive male specimen who looks like he knows how to have a good time, which is most definitely true, but when you got to know him down to the absolute core, he was a sappy romantic who feared loss and abandonment.

"You're looking at me funny," he chuckles, drawing me from my deep thought.

I stand on my tiptoes and press a soft kiss to his cheeks before resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Am I not aloud to look at you?" I joke, raising an eyebrow curiously just for the effect because I couldn't care less about what his response is, I still intend on staring at him like a mad woman.

"I mean, I know I'm hot, Mean Mena. But it's like you're undressing me with your eyes. It's very impolite to the other tourists. Tsk tsk."

I roll my eyes and fall flat onto my feet once again. "Coming from you? Since when did you start caring about me 'undressing you with my eyes'?" I inquire as we walk aimlessly.

"You can undress me all you like. But the look on your face just screams something along the lines of, 'Finn Quinton you handsome devil I don't care who is watching just take me over on that bench!'" He belches out louder than necessary, making my cheeks blush red in pure embarrassment and resentment for his attention drawing speech.

I swat his chest, making him laugh hysterically at what I presume to be the look of horror I am now playing home to. Leave it to Finn to make the embarrassing moments last longer than necessary although the scolding look we're receiving from an innocent family who are probably disgusted by us was enough to mark this moment down in the history books.

We walk around some more and before I know it, we were standing in front of some restaurant that smelled delicious just from outside the door. If food could turn you on, you'd be dropping to your knees right now. And I'm hardly exaggerating.

Climax Kingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें