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I take one long sip of scolding hot coffee as I stare out onto the shifting water of the lake. It was a beautiful sight in the summer and one of the only perks of being in a building such as the  Sinnett. I loved watching boaters fly across the water as they make it towards their destinations.

The sound of bare feet tapping against the glass steps brings my attention over to Mena. She looked mildly exhausted, but still reeked of pure beauty and intellectuality.

"Morning," I greet her delicately as I look up over my coffee mug to meet her dazed green eyes. "Coffee?" I ask, already knowing her answer.

She nods, "Yes please."

I pour her a glass and fill it with the correct amount of her favorite creamer as well as some sugar. It seemed too rehearsed and I suppose it is considering our past arrangements but the way she moved around her kitchen in the morning was admirable. Even though half the time she was wearing nothing but my shirt and her thin underwear that always gave me joy once take off her smooth legs.

I remind myself not to get too carried away in the thought considering I'd already worked my morning hard on off with my everyday workout. It just felt wrong to hack myself off knowing she was asleep in my bed, in my shirt, but her scent that will probably linger there for a few more days.

Once the mug is slid in her direction, she brings the liquid to her mouth and savoringly moans in pure enjoyment I hope. Fuck. So much for that workout.

"Sleep well?" I ask politely as I down the scorching hot drink that I forced myself to consume in hopes of it lowering any mischievous thoughts tossing around in my mind.

"Yes, thank you again, Finn. I could have slept in my car you know," she says with narrowed eyes as thought I would have allowed her to sleep outside. Sure it was summer and excruciatingly hot outside both day and night, but it wouldn't give her half as much comfort as my king sized bed would have.

I shake my head playfully before bending over to grab a frying pan from under the sink. "We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep."

A smile forms on her perfectly plump lips as she sips more of her morning coffee. "William Shakespeare, The Tempest." Mena says as she decided from whom the quote originated with.

I simply nod my head as I crack four eggs into the pan. "I'm glad to know you know decent literature, Mean Mena. And here I thought you were way too intriguing for a boring play."

A breathy chuckle escapes her lips, bringing a smile to form on her perfect features. "Finn?" She asks delicately, treading on thin water as I plate our breakfast.

I hum in response, turning my body to hand over the soft maroon plate that held her delicious meal prepared by me.

"I-I overheard you and Ash talking. I don't want to be nosy, Finn. But how do you know the system as well as you say?"

The way she bit her bottom lip showed enough. She didn't want to pry, but she was incapable of keeping it down. That was one of the many things I loved about her. Concern, a ability to care when no one else does, the way she fit underneath me. I sound like an absolute dick, but it's true.

"Jason and Naomi aren't my biological parents. I was six when they adopted me which I'm thankful for in the long run but I'll never admit it to them. For six years there was constant trailer parks among trailer parks and the smell of burning joints and alcohol that could ruin your stomach not that you'd be eating anyways," I audibly sigh as burrowed memories make their appeal once more. "It's similar to what people adapt on television and books but living it is so much worse. Ash and I were the lucky ones. Hundreds of kids are out there being hurt and it's fucked up but that's the system. It's hard to talk about especially at such a young age but even now I can't vocally express t into words how horrible it is."

I watch as in one swift motion, she was standing in front of me with her hand rested on my cheek. Her touch was a craving I never could fill. A craving so surreal it felt like something paranormal. But that's Philomena Grace.


"Finn," I whisper, pushing his face to look at me. His eyes were watering without a doubt, but it was clear he had no intentions of crying. I wouldn't judge him if he did however. Even a simple statement such as that had left a toll on him and that alone made me want to help him.

"I didn't mean to pry, Finn. I just-I'm glad you and Ash got taken care of. You both mean the world to me and quite frankly, I wouldn't want you guys any other way. We all come with fucked up baggage, but I love Ash and I l-care about you for it."

He nods, nuzzling his head in my hand. Words can't describe the feelings coursing through me. I can't think of any and I don't know anyone who might be capable of doing so. I remove my hand once things seemed too sensual for my liking, especially when Teddy and I had just been out last night. But that's another issue for another time that I don't feel like dwelling on.

I clear my throat, bringing my eyes to Finn's own. "I should probably get home," I say in a whisper while easily not breaking eye contact.

He nods his head only to walk towards the door. Was it so wrong of me to wish for something else? I don't know.

I grab my stuff from last night and stand before him in front of the oak door that separated the real world and this little charade both of us are playing. "Thank you, Mena." He says, leaning against the door.

"Oh uh, quick question, Finn. Where'd you sleep last night? Not that it's a problem if you slept in your bed I mean it's big enough for at least four of us but I'm just curious because-"

"The couch. I slept on the couch. Don't worry, Mena. I'm not going to pass any boundaries. Yet."

The wink emphasized how truthful the statement was which made me internally shudder. "Right. Uh, bye, Finn."

He nods, closing the door slightly before calling out into the hall, "Bye Mean Mena."


I get this is shitty and really fucking short I hate it I've just been too busy playing Sims lmao fight me. But I'm not feeling this chapter it was tossed together because we hit 666 votes and because I'm clearly the daughter of Satan, yes hi, I had to share the news with at least a minor update? I dunno. But like BIIIIITCH. WE'RE ALMOST AT 50k?!? Okay, so we're at like 38k but still. That's only 12k away so all I ask is that we do it!! Keep giving me your feedback guys I really enjoy reading comments 😉

Go check out my other works:

•Summer Sex
•2,213.3 Miles Away

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