"Shut up," I paced around, thinking about the situation. I knew Feliciano had feelings about a human. I didn't think he would act upon those feelings. Feliciano trusted him too much. It is only a matter of time that the human will hurt Feliciano.

"Anyways, you can just slide your paycheck under my door, Okay bud?"

"Hold on," I grabbed onto Gilbert's shirt and signaled him to be quiet as I saw Feliciano leave his room, wearing a nice dress shirt and pants and grabbing his phone and headed downstairs quickly. I turned back to Gilbert, "We're following him,"

"Woah! That's too far, Lovino!" Gilbert argued, "We can't sabotage Feliciano's date!"

"We're not sabotaging it. We're monitoring it,"

"Look," He got serious, "I understand that this situation is terrifying for you but Feliciano seems to be happy and he's a smart guy. I mean, I'm dating a guy right now, he's also human,"

"You're what?!"

"Shh, it's not about me right now," Gilbert silenced me, "And as of this moment, things are going awesomely!"

"But does he know you're a ghoul?"

"Ah, well, no..."

"That's exactly why it's going so 'awesomely'. You and Feliciano are hiding behind a fantasy. Feliciano is someone who believes there's good in everybody and I know he'll be naive enough to tell his date about who he is and that will only end up terribly,"

I paused, thinking of how foolish Feliciano can be. At one hand, he could be rejected and he'll learn to stay away from humans. But then his identity is known and what comes next will be a witch-hunt and destroy everything we tried to build for our survival. And maybe, just a slim chance, the other won't mind and accept him. But even those unions end in tragedies. Like my mother and father. There's no happy ending for a ghoul.

"I don't want to have to interfere. But I just want to make sure he'll be fine," I muttered, "So many things can go wrong and if I'm not there to help, then I'll blame myself,"

Gilbert sighed and frowned, as if he was contemplating, and then shrugged, "Alright, but we are to do nothing to interfere unless absolutely necessary, ok?"

Hesitant, I agreed.


- Feliciano's POV -

"Hi, Ludwig! I'm sorry I'm late," I said as I caught up to him outside of a restaurant, "I had to work and didn't got off until an hour ago,"

Ludwig slightly smiled when he saw me approach, "It's fine. I just don't see why I couldn't pick you up like I suggested,"

I chuckled nervously, "I didn't want to bother you. I appreciate that you're taking me out in the first place,"

The truth was that I didn't want Elizabetha or Roderich to see him and then be suspicious to if they saw me leave with him so I made him wait for me there. I felt uncomfortable lying so much to Ludwig, but it is the only way.

"Nonsense. You're not a bother, Feliciano. I'm glad you're here,"

I felt a warmth hearing that from Ludwig. Seeing a softer, more relaxed side of him made me happy for him. I knew about his past and when I first met him, he was so closed off and reserved and kinda scary and threatening when acknowledging the fact that he hunts ghouls for a living.  But there is so much to him that makes me believe it is worth it to risk to trust in him.


- Lovino's POV -

"Literally the worst possible place to take a ghoul out is a restaurant but honestly what did I expect," I whispered as Gilbert and I watched from a distance Feliciano and Ludwig enter.

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