I heard her voice, I couldn't stop. I was crying uncontrollably, I couldn't help it. I called again, and again, and again. I continued to hear her voice, making me suffer, but it relaxed me. I called once more and recorded the voicemail. I added it to my music library and put it in our playlist. After each song that played, I now heard her voice. I laid back down on her scarf and fell asleep with her voice floating around in my head.

**Vic's P.O.V.**

"Did Kellin go up there?" I asked Mike as he came down the stairs.

"No, I just left Tyler. He's the only one up there, him and Rebecca." He informed me.

"How's he taking everything?" I felt bad for him.

"I tried to tell him but he broke out in tears. He wanted to be alone." Mike put his head down.

"I can't imagine how he must feel." I lied.

I probably felt worse than him. Pain ignites a fire in my soul, but that pain was unbearable. He almost jumped. The only thing that ran through my mind was that I stopped him. It played over and over in my mind. My heart began to ache when I thought about the words Kellin yelled at me. He hated me now for this, but I couldn't let him go.

"Yeah, he's taking it pretty bad. Where is he?" Mike asked, breaking me from my train of thought.

"Uh, I don't know. He came in." I told him.

"Oh, well he probably went to the kitchen or something." He reassured.

"Yeah, maybe." I looked down at me feet. "I think I'll go talk to Tyler."

"Okay." He nodded. I walked past him and went up the stairs.

I heard his cries as I got closer up the stairs. I walked into Rebecca's room, she was watching cartoons. She saw me and smiled, I smiled back and continued to Tyler's room. I heard his cries clearer, he was hurt. I knocked on the door and he immediately stopped.

"Rebecca, I'll come play with you in a bit. Give me a minute." He choked out.

"It's Vic." I said bluntly.

He opened the door quickly and threw his arms around me. He hugged and kissed my cheek. I didn't hug back, I couldn't. I waited until he pulled back, he cried more. I walked in and shut the door. He laid on the bed and buried his head in the pillow.

"Tyler, it's okay." I patted his back.

"No, it's not." He cried.

"He's okay." I told him.

"How? How can he be okay? I'll never see him again." He choked out.

"He's alive, Tyler." He looked up at me.

"Really?" I nodded.

"I pulled him back." I admitted.

"Thank you." He took my hand and kissed it.

"It's no problem." I forced a smile.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"I don't know." I confessed. He started to freak out.

"We have to find him, he might do something bad again." He jumped from the bed and pulled me.

"No, he's here somewhere. I saw him come in the house." I explained. He relaxed and nodded.

"We still have to find him, he needs to be watched." He took out his phone and began to call him. No answer. I tried. No answer. We both decided to text him.

"Anything?" He asked.

"No." I said sadly.

"We have to find him. Let's go." He took me and we left the room and headed downstairs.

"You seen kellin yet?" I asked Mike.

"No, it's been just me down here." We all became worried.

We searched the whole house over. Tyler's mom came home, we didn't want to worry her about anything. We continued to search for him, even Rebecca helped out. We searched outside and everywhere. I wanted to give up when Rebecca came up to us.

"I found him." She admitted.

"Where?" We all asked in unison.

She motioned for us to follow her, so we did. She took us out to the pool and pointed to one of the corners. Kellin laid there, sleeping and listening to music. I went over and picked him up and carried him in my arms. Tyler took his backpack and phone and followed me. I took him into Tyler's room and laid him in his bed. I was getting ready to leave when Tyler stopped me.

"Listen to this." He motioned for me to come towards him. "This is what he was listening to." He handed me one of the earpieces.

"Hello, you have reached Karen. Sorry I can't come to the phone right now."

That was his mom's voice.

"Hang up and try later."

That was Kellin's.

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora